
hoolahan ASN, RN

Home Health


All Content by hoolahan

  1. New Homebound rule???

    Very interesting Karen. I didn't know about this at all, perhaps because I am not in a participating state, or because I am very per diem now. So, can I ask if this would be your interpretation of this rule? If say a person who has all of these (and...
  2. Sadly, I have seen much of this in action. It is helpful for nurse new in the field to see this kind of info, so they know why supervisors get on their case about documentation. It also helps you to know what to document so you get it right the first...
  3. Top 10 Most Frequent Complaint Intake Reasons

    Yikes! It seems like some of these may be specific to a PCA, or home health aide agency. Welcome back BTW!
  4. New Homebound rule???

    This is the latest that I am/was aware of... http://www.cms.gov/manuals/11_hha/HH00.asp Home Health Agency Manual Manual Transmittals through Transmittal Number 305, dated August 1, 2003, are included in this update. Two other sites may have more re...
  5. New HH Nurse

    http://housecalls-online.com/index.htm This site, in my opinion, has the most helpful info you could ever find. You will have to explore all the links, but it is enormously helpful!!
  6. Researcher doing a study on home health nurses: I need your help.

    MY apologies to clueless researcher. She has PM'd me and has provided me with enough info that I am satisfied she is legitimate. I have asked her to do the same here, in as much as she is comfortable publically releasing on an internet forum. So Jen,...
  7. Ever had 2 pts die on you in 1 day?

    In my first few months in ICU we had a day when 3 died in a day. The first was a burn pt, severe burns of face chest and neck, he lost his airway during report, due to edema, anesthesia could not get another one, and by then, trach was too late Secon...
  8. Delivered a baby today!

    Wow pebbles, OB is so NOT my passion in nursing, but the excitement in your post, made me feel it through your eyes and hands, and that must be very thrilling indeed! Good job!! All of you OB nurses, God Bless you!
  9. Coverage when out sick

    Well Shammy, I didn't say it wasn't the norm..unfortunately, I think it happens too often. But what we must do is learn to say NO and mean it. The minute you give an inch, they use you to death. Save the extra energy for the patients, they will be th...
  10. Researcher doing a study on home health nurses: I need your help.

    Sorry ren, I truly am not that popular, just a pack rat, lol. I cleared some out for ya.
  11. Researcher doing a study on home health nurses: I need your help.

    Clueless, not to insult you, but I have to ask, have you done any research before? How is it one gets an assignment such as this without research experience? You have to forgive me, but I will be blunt. We get a lot of suspicious requests here, somet...
  12. Coverage when out sick

    If you call out sick, you call out sick, period. It is the agencies problem to cover your pt's. Naturally, they can triage them, but if they can't do the admit, that is NOT your problem. They need to triage all the other nurses pt's as well. I can ha...
  13. Tips for Dressing to Scrotum?

    Jay Jay, I have no good suggestions for you either, but I was curious. This has to be one of the most difficult types of dressings. All I could think of was to have him sitz bath bid, and cover with vasoline guaze and abds for drainage, then as to ho...
  14. I need a consult and advice

    My husband's right index finger has begun to turn blue at the tip. He is also right-handed and smokes about 1/2 ppd. hx HTN. Anyway, for about 6 weeks it has been like this, and now it is getting worse. The fingernail looks as if it is lifting away f...
  15. You know it's going to be a bad visit when....

    Yeah nancy, you would think! But every time I complain about the agency taking back a pt they shouldn't, they turn around and blame me for opening a case if I thought it was unsafe. Intake accepts no responsibility for screening whatsoever! That is j...
  16. You know it's going to be a bad visit when....

    Nancy, are you sure she wasn't a pt of mine first?? I had one just like her!!! Even told my director I said she could have cookies! Update. Today I blew my stack, and I am truly not sure I can do this per diem anymore. The pt above? Well, she told th...
  17. 3rd week in home health, ready to quit

    BFL, I was really lucky and got cancelled today because we were slow. It wasn't clarified though, so I did get up and show up to work, but hey, I got the day off, so who's gonna complain? I decided to hit the 24/7 supermarket and buy some croissants,...
  18. 3rd week in home health, ready to quit

    OMG! Not picking on you Barefootlady (can I call you BFL for short?), but you NEED to learn the word NO. As long as you never say no, you will keep getting dumped on. Get out asap!! And before you get your next job, I want you to stand in front of th...
  19. I quit my job (long)

    Helloooo, you know we are all here for each other when the going gets tough, no matter what your political party, lol :) Don't worry about the ads. Start networking with others you know. Call some other dialysis units and get the name of the nurse ma...
  20. I quit my job (long)

    I agree, kudos for standing up for yourself. However, you do need to get it in writing that you were not "fired" or left without adequate notice. The same thing happened to me at a job once. I immediately sent a registered letter asking for clarifica...
  21. Night shift & single moms how DO you do it?

    Happy Birthday LPN to RN!!! nursesuzi, is it essential you need or want to work nights? You could find a job in homecare or a public health position doing well mom baby visits and have much more flexibility with your time. Ex, if the kids have a scho...
  22. Calling all HH Nurses, roll call

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Good to see you here! Heather, some interesting food for thought there!
  23. Non-licensure states

    Well, I'm not able to answer your original question theking, but I am smart enough to google a list of resources for you. http://www.carescout.com/resources/home_health/state_resources.htm Perhaps after you finish your research, you can come back he...
  24. You know it's going to be a bad visit when....

    Monica, I don't know how you do it, having a case load, visits, and being the DON. Lord, I wish our DON even considered the possibility of doing a day in the field just once a year!! You just dinged the top of my respect-o-meter :) Trav, I did comple...
  25. 3rd week in home health, ready to quit

    Wow. It is even worse than I thought for you!! No wonder you have such a bad taste in your mouth. We have all been there with lazy nurses who don't pull their weight, but your agency seems to attract them like a magnet!! That is one of the things abo...