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All Content by Bcho86

  1. Samuel Merritt CRNA interviews 2018

    I am in! See you guys Fall! Don't give up hope Lmanalo! I know someone who was waitlisted and got in a week before the program started and he was at the top of his class!
  2. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Aznbc105: hows the program? Since you got Patho and Pharm out of the way is it less intense?
  3. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Lovelikewoe: See you at orientation! As for vaccines, I've gotten all mine done for the Spring 2011 cohort, so all I need is the CPR license. As stated in your check list, get your blood check up done, that will depict if you would need a booster sho...
  4. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Hopefully, someone will find out whats going on with the preliminary list. I only saw 62 students listed, so the 28 left over spots should be for the remaining CSULB students. Can anyone call and find out? I think ---- is tired of hearing my voice ha...
  5. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    22flowers, did you also get called back from CSULB for interviews?
  6. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    I stopped by the office today and saw they posted up the preliminary list for the BSN program, and only 62 people are on the list.
  7. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Oh okay thanks for the information and Congrats again! Hopefully I'll get to see you during the orientation.
  8. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Oh Congrats! What were your scores? Were you one of the CSULB students that got invited back?
  9. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

  10. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    I talked to the nursing administrator and she stated that they're still requesting interviews and it will go throughout next week, and letters of acceptance should go out by mid May! =[
  11. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    Don't lose hope guys if you didn't get a call today. I remember my friend telling me who is a CSULA nursing graduate. She was on the waiting list before she got it. So, we as a group who made through the 1st round still have a chance.
  12. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Yeah, I also believe all the calls that were placed were for the transfer students, if its true they're still interviewing, then the open spots available now are for CSULB students. But, don't lose hope, they're is a waiting list after the official l...
  13. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    Yes and No. Possibly, there can be more than 120 applicants, due to the fact that Long Beach did not prepare in advance for the budget crisis. Like I stated, out of the 25 Long Beach Students that applied, the nursing program invited back their alter...
  14. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    I already went through an interview for spring, so it is not required. Right now she just told me to wait, and she strongly hinted that I will definitely hear back from them. Not crossing any fingers or legs, had high hopes last for the spring 2011 c...
  15. CSULB Nursing Interview Fall 2011!!!

    I got the same call too. From what I was told, for the Fall 2011 pool, only 25 CSULB students applied and there was more than enough room to fill in the CSULB student seats, and due to the budget cut, they'll will be accepting more CSULB students ov...
  16. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    I just want to say good luck to you all! It would be great if everyone who posted up till now could get in!
  17. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    Question: I saw that they require "Psy 160 Psychology of Developing Person 4 Qtr Units" is this class required before nursing school? non of this was in the nursing packet.
  18. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    Which Class is it a preq for? I have already taken Pharmacology and Pathphysiology.
  19. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    Please post her response after the admissions director replies. Thanks.
  20. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    Hi Icy, I was wondering when did you have let the CSULA know that you will be attending the school? Because, I do not want to pay the school fee if I'm not going to be attending their nursing program.
  21. CSU Los Angeles School of Nursing (CSULA Fall 2011)

    I had a quick question, I made it through the first phase, and emailed Monica if she needs any additional documentations to carry my application forward. So, she replied back saying the department will contact me if any documents are needed.However, ...
  22. ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

    My friends who got in ranges from class of 2009 to 2011. It's all about money, all the other alternates I've spoke to were CSULB students. I guess they favor transfers regardless of grades.
  23. ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

    Yea, I still haven't got any word from her. This alternate list really sucks. My previous friends who graduated and or to soon be graduated, said they were up to alternate 13 during orientation and a week after they were notified they got it. Are yo...
  24. ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

    Yeah. You have to catch her in a good mood. I caught her when she was coming back delivering mail, and she looked P!ssed. What is your plan "B" GenB?
  25. ANybody recieved interviews for CSULB spring 2011?

    How long does the alternate list last?