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All Content by PiedPiperRN

  1. Looking For a College That Offers Distance Education.

    there is an a&p course through western iowa technically community college that is completly online. it is a but pricy, but they require no travel to a site for labs. i took it and thought that it was ok. (i would have prefered to take a real a...
  2. Penn Foster Information Literacy?

    For the record, the EC Information literacy class can be done in abouat two hours assuming you have research skills and good English. The only problem is really the cost. But at the end of the day, I think that I spent more time trying to get out ...
  3. Excelsior College Help

    as much as I hate to say it, the EPN is a good website. And I have to get this off my chest: Exselsior has it's good points, but its website is NOT one of them. That thing is impossible to navigate so don't feel bad when it takes you an hour to fin...
  4. CPNE Workshop

    I am actually looking for a study-buddy in Portland, OR. If you are intersted, please shoot me a message!
  5. Pleaseee Help Me

    Try the local library. Also, most professors and past nursing students have these books and may be able to loan them out. I know that my teacher who handles NCLEX prep has an entire bookshelf dedicated to these books. Also, try used books. It's b...
  6. regretting nursing school??

    I agree that now is a good time to switch majors, and I also agree with posts that warn against making such a big decision too hastily and on limited experience. I know nurses who don't really fall into the "compassionate" bucket, and they tend to e...
  7. OB Help!

    I always thought that it was an interesting flaw in TPAL system that miscarriages and medical abortions are not distinguished. That can tell you if a woman who is G10A10 should see a gynology specialist vs. a referal for a better method of contracep...
  8. one year of med surg recommendation-- your opinion?

    If you want to go down the ER route, then I would do medsurg for a year. However, most of the nurses that I have talked to have told me that L&D, peds and neonatal, and mental health nursing are sort of "different beasts", and that if you want t...
  9. Strict Attendance Guidelines..

    I work as an aide in a hospital. Yes, in a perfect world no one with a contagious (sp?) condition would ever come to work. However, we don't live in a perfect world. We work in the real world, where there is about five sick patients for every sick...
  10. Help with care plans! nursing diagnosis.

    I would say dehydration (fluid balance) due to the fact that your patient is probably NPO.
  11. HELP!! I need guidance I saw someone cheating

    I would talk to her about it first. Turning someone in will probably lead to expulsion, and perhaps this person would be a good nurse if she had some tutoring. I would tell her that you know she cheated and advise her of options to get help-- tutor...
  12. Expelled :(

    Faith, do you feel comfortable about telling us what happened? I would also suggest talking to your advisor or someone else at the program that you trust. They can give you advice about the appeals process that I am pretty sure is in place at any sc...
  13. Expelled :(

    Looks like they do. Here is a list of states with exceptions and the exceptions that they have: https://www.excelsior.edu/Excelsior_College/School_Of_Nursing/Accreditation_and_Licensure/State_Board_Requirements Note that most states will "take" an Ex...
  14. Bed Bath and making the Occupied bed (skill exam)

    The only comment that I would add is to wash thier back before changing the linens so that you do not get water on the clean linens. (But I use a lot of water). Another trick that you never see is to do pericare when they are on thier back as you ha...
  15. Get CNA while waiting for Nursing School?

    I strongly recommend being a CNA for a while. Everything that you learn in the class will be useful to you as a nurse. In addition, I think that it is more important to work (not just be certified) as a CNA, espeically if you can get a job in a hos...
  16. Expelled :(

    Actually it was the dean that I ticked off, and so going through her isn't an option. It is a small program, with the higher ups "in each other's pockets", so going up isn't really an option. This is actually the second time that I have been expell...
  17. Should I be expelled?

    A similar thing happened to me, except that I asked a student who had taken the same class the previous semester for study tips. It was a fluid/electolyte exam, and she told me to look closely at uncompensated imbalances. I passed this bit of info ...