
mamamerlee LPN

home health, dialysis, others

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All Content by mamamerlee

  1. Is it me???

    Cookienay - - :hpygrp:
  2. New Nurse, 2 job offers. Any Advice?

    Either of these is a terrifc opportunity. Go where you think is the better - run unit, or the one that seems more welcoming to new grads. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  3. transfer after 1st year of nursing

    Stay, stay, stay!!!!
  4. discontinued narcotics left on unit for weeks

    There should be a policy. Check it out, before there is a diversion problem.
  5. are filter needles necessary?

    You are correct to use the filter needles. Please bring this up to someone who can see that the filter needles are used by all. ALL.
  6. Resident in the hospital

    When I did Home Health nursing, I sometimes went to visit my patients in the hospital. They were always happy to see a familiar face. And occassionally, I was able to pass on some info to the staff. Follow your heart on this one.
  7. Terrified Patient

    You are not whining. Maybe an inservice is in order, if this is a recurrent theme.
  8. LPN to RN... ask for a raise?

    Well, there are multiple issues here. Unless the scope of your practice in that home is going to change somehow, you are still working as an LPN. What, if anything, will you be doing differently? Will they ask you to do the recerts? Will they stop...
  9. Jean Watson Caring Science

    Well, I spent some time reading her stuff instead of sleeping. Holy Cow, it's all about CARING. And that many aspects of nursing CARE cannot be quantified, but are important, and worthwhile uses of our time. Imagine that! Must be very scary to in...
  10. Jean Watson Caring Science

    So much for open-mindedness, and the curiousity of learning something new. I do not roll my eyes when being exposed to new ideas. And every religion started out as a 'cult'. If you work in a diverse culture you can appreciate many different belief...
  11. And if we catch you smoking you'll be charge $25

    I worked at a facility that was non-smoking since it opened, in the 1940's. If you wanted good care, that was the place to go. No one ever left the floor for a quick break, just to smoke, and the patients and visitors were well aware that we were smo...
  12. Okay to email a potential boss?

    Do it.
  13. Could my patient get vancomycin toxicity?

    Probably not to worry. More important - why wasn't it passed on about the time the first dose was given so you would know when 12 hours had passed?
  14. Bloody secretions from trach-normal or no?

    We can't give medical advice. Call her MD.
  15. Med Surg to Nursery. will i be bored?

    Do it. Stretch yourself. Each baby is a unique individual. Any job can be boring if you are not enthusiastic. Best wishes!
  16. Sexual harassment policy at your facility

    CoffeeMate CNA - - ain't it the TRUTH? !!!
  17. Why Didn't You Go To Med School?

    I never once wanted to be a doc. Didn't grow up wanting to be a nurse, either! And the very few times that people have inquired, I have simply told them that there is nothing better for me than the bedside, or in more recent years, in the home!
  18. Resignation by e-mail

    Congratulations on getting your first RN position. What have you been doing? You should at the very least call your supervisors, give them your last day of availability, and then hand deliver your notice, or send by cert mail. Each place will wa...
  19. Did Nursing Supervisor do the right thing?

    If you did not know the patient at the time the yearly assessment was due, you cannot do that assessment. At the very least, if that other nurse is still working there, she should be approached to do it. You can only document on what you know. Is th...
  20. Faulted by aides who want help with incontinence care

    "L&Dnurse2B" The OP states she does help when she can, but during the morning rush it can be too time-consuming to stop and help. So get off your high horse, and when you do become a nurse make sure you read and absorb everything before you mak...
  21. Do nurses make you wear diapers if you wet the bed?

    The pullups will probably not be allowed in the operating room, but neither will any other type of similar product. However, they will put lots of other padding under her. I have bladder issues, and wet myself occassionally. Tell her that the staf...
  22. working with MRSA?

    Where is your lesion? Can it be kept covered? Ask your doc, and your agency.
  23. In front of a patient "If I wanted infornation from you I would have asked". "Who taught you how to do that" in a way that made it seem I was doing something wrong. Me - Doc So&So. Him 'Oh.Okay, then'. And many others.....
  24. Would I be a terrible person if . . . ?

    Make sure you have all your ducks in a row. POA, both healthcare and financial; guardianship, advanced directives. ALL OF IT. You are not a terrible person. My husband can hardly bear to visit his mom - she no longer recognizes him at all. She st...
  25. Are ER nurses burnt out or just uncaring??

    We went thru this backboard stuff here on allnurses a year or so ago. My husband, who has CP, was placed on a backboard because they could not get the regular stretcher into our bedroom. NO NECK INJURY. HE was screaming in pain due to extreme muscle...