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About maggiejrn

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  1. I've been bullied all my life, and it continues...

    I have been in this field for 20+ years and I will tell you now, find a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those nurses are NOT going to stop because they know they can get a way with it. you can talk to all the administrative people you want but it won't chan...
  2. Patient Safety: We could be the killer!

    I am not surprised that someone made a mistake even of this proprtion. I am surprised that "mayjor wong" did not report this as an adverse event. Protecting a collegue who not only almost cost a patients life but who would also destroy evidence is th...
  3. Please help with Nursing Interview Questions!

    Don't get too involved in trying to anticipate what questions you will be asked. Be calm, confident and most of all be yourself. Remember every interview you do is more practice for the next one. It is important to be sure not to have anything on yo...
  4. I applaud troc for being so observant instead of turning a blind eye to what is going on around her. If nurses have seen improper handlimg of catheters for years and apparently not done anything about it means that they are part of the problem. EVERY...
  5. DISHES: Thank you for the questions and understanding this was more than an opportunity to critique my experience. I believe it was the foley care being done q shift along with all the other hard work by staff that brought our infection rate down. To...
  6. After reading all the comments I realized again just how difficult it is to work in a female dominated profession. Yes, I am a woman so it pains me to say this but instead of either pulling out any information that you might have found usefull or jus...
  7. The biggest was NOT getting catheters out as soon as possible. If the doctor doesn't address it then the nurse should ask if there are any reasons the patient still needs the catheter. If not ask for an order to remove it. However, if the foley is ne...