
vintagemother BSN, CNA, LVN, RN

Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,

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All Content by vintagemother

  1. Should new grads negotiate their pay??

    This is one reason I'm so glad I work in a union facility. Pay rates are published and are awesome. I never was good at negotiating salaries.
  2. Do I have to list my psych meds and opioids on job app?

    I understand your concerns. I used to be on an SSRI (antidepressant). I had a job that told me they need to know *all* meds I was on and the form they had me fill out to consent for drug testing listed SSRIs listed as a testable substance. I felt thi...
  3. Should nurses be able to listen to music at work?

    I listen to music when I can at work. Either with just 1 headphone in or turned down super low. I turn it off if other nurses are near me. It soothes me and helps me focus. ADD perhaps I am? 😎
  4. Mutt-ernity Ward

    ^^This is true!!! We once had a pt with a dog. Whom the 2 prior shifts had apparently told the pt the dog wasn't allowed. We arrived for my shift and were told there may be a dog hiding in the room. The dog wasn't a service animal. The pt basically a...
  5. My First Patient Death

    I'm glad that you feel better, now. I think that debriefing is very important after codes. Debriefing allows you to vent your feelings and to also go over the cause of the death.
  6. How do you eyeball respiratory rate effectively?

    If I can't see the RR, I place my hand on their chest. That way I can feel the rise and fall. Regarding not telling them you're counting the RR...I typically hold their wrist as if I'm counting the radial pulse at the same time.
  7. Nursing Instructor Anger Management

    With a staff college witness
  8. Teacher or Nurse?

    I used to want to become a school teacher. I also used to want to become a doctor when I was fresh out of high school. I did end up teaching preschool / early childhood education for many years. When I was trying to decide between pursuing teaching...
  9. What do you eat for breakfast?

    When I was a student, in clinicals, I often packed pocket meals. Anything I could stuff in my pocket and eat on the fly was fair game. Be it Belvitas, or peanut butter on whole grain toast in a zip lock. As a working nurse, "breakfast" is almost alwa...
  10. Bed rails protocol/algorithm?

    When I was an LV/PN, I worked at a few LTCs that still had crank beds through 2014.
  11. Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratios

    This!!! I'm in CA, and while I appreciate the fact that my state has excellent RN:Pt ratios, I've seen and experienced admin getting rid of all ancillary staff. No CNAs, still no 15 minute breaks, addditional charting checklists, etc.
  12. How to reinforce Pathophysiology on my own?

    I used to imagine each disorder / disease as a person I knew in real life. For example, one person I knew IRL had uncontrolled HTN. In my mind, I'd see his bloated / fat arteries stressed out trying to pump the large volume of blood and imagine his h...
  13. I'm Sorry

    About last night... I just remembered a patient asked me for coffee. It was about 0600, and I promptly started a fresh pot for him. I hope that he doesn't think that I forgot about him. I did start the pot. Then a pt had an episode of hypoglycemia an...
  14. How long did it take you to find your first job as a new grad

    I graduated within the last 2 years. I was able to be offered 2 jobs before I passed my NCLEX. I feel very blessed to have had those opportunities. My first offer was at a SNF in need of lots of new staff. I was working there as an LVN at the time. T...
  15. I'm Sorry

    I just snort-laughed out loud! I'm really working on my waitressing skills!! Cause, yeah, they suck!
  16. I'm Sorry

    Thank you all for your kind and supportive comments. ((hugs)) I know, in my rational mind, that the coffee was very low on the priority list. However, I have seen patients get upset when they don't receive things that they want (not need), right awa...
  17. Is earwax removal an emergency?

    Just a side note... My daughter attended college on the opposite coast. She had health insurance through me and her father. There was no hospital within 2+ hrs that accepted her insurances. She had to go to the ED twice (in 4 yrs) for non emergencie...
  18. I don't know how I could've handed this differently

    When my dear Grandma was in an ICU, I didn't call. I just went to her bedside. I wanted to get into her bed...but I didnt. I, instead, spoke with her nurse who was kind enough to explain her current situation.
  19. when to apply for jobs

    In my area, there are versant programs that hire you / accept you prior to graduation or right after--prior to NCLEX. However, they're open to BSN grads only. As an ADN RN, I was told I could only apply after passing NCLEX and receiving my RN licens...
  20. Who loves med-surg?

    I enjoy my work in med-surg. Pros: the pts aren't usually dying unless it's expected. What I mean is that they aren't critically ill-usually! I have learned how to spot problems- i.e. Pts who are actually very sick. Lots of experience doing basic nu...
  21. When to Follow Up After Dropping Off Resume?

    I'd follow up after 1 week had passed. I'm assuming that he told you he'd call you back this week and did not. I would have called on the Friday of the week he said he'd call you.
  22. Want into Acute Care, already have SNF, what else can I do?

    You should talk to people in your local market. Find out where other new grad RNs have found acute care positions. I, too, was an LVN who then became an RN. I was able to find an acute care position by talking with peers who I graduated with. I'll ...
  23. My husband wakes me up!

    My kid was 11 when I started working full time noc shifts. He is AWESOME! He does not make noise or wake me up during the day. My 20 year old is also very good at not waking me up. Do not come in my room at all. No loud noises. Text me to tell me st...
  24. Having a hard time finding a part time CNA job

    Per diem. That way you can choose your hours. I worked per diem as a CNA through an agency so that I could choose my shifts.
  25. I studied a lot in RN school. We had to make detailed care plans, which took several hours to complete. I also had to study for exams, which took several hours on multiple days. Each school is differebt, I think, with regard to how difficult exams wo...