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All Content by allthesmallthings

  1. Average Salary for ADN vs BSN

    I kind of get turned off whenever I hear that phrase "we must be thought of as professionals" creep into nursing conversation...yeah, I do kind of feel "professional" having a bachelor's degree, and I do appreciate the critical thinking courses and t...
  2. Hi, I'm taking the ANA med-surg certification test in 13 days now, and wondering how prepared I am...on (website of ANA certification), some "practice questions" are listed,
  3. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    Thank you. Good luck on your test. Yeah, the "behind-me" feeling is good! Just gotta remember, while I was freaking out about it, I still had the same knowledge/capability in me that I do now.
  4. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    Update: took the test yesterday, passed it! :) More to the point of this thread, I did feel that the exam questions were a little harder than the ones that I've posted, although maybe that's because I couldn't automatically check if my answers were...
  5. Average Salary for ADN vs BSN

    I disagree; admittedly, I've never researched about the ADN (I'm a BSN), but as I understand it, there are the same core classes; I don't see how two years worth of pre-reqs on Sociology 1 and Composition 1 and electives makes a difference in saving ...
  6. When to hold cardiac meds?

    You sound experienced! You understand your cardiovascular algebra, at least! I was just thinking that SBP 100 was kind of low for an Ace-Inhibitor, then I read your post. Anyway, OP: in my own experience, 1) the beta-blockers have less effect than ...
  7. Hi, Paco69. I've worked on an orthopedic floor for a couple of years now. Most of our cases are either s/p hip placement or knee replacement, with also some s/p lumbar laminectomies, acdf's, pcdf's (anterior cervical disc fusion/posterior cervical ...
  8. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    You click on your answers on the webpage (please click on, or copy/paste/ the link referenced - -), press "evluate," and then it tells you right or wrong. ...
  9. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    I was looking at some other strings on allnurses about med-surg certification, and the discussion about the difficulty of the test seems to fall into two camps: 1) it's common sense/common knowledge, especially if you've been in med-surg for a year o...
  10. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    that makes me feel better. I hope so! :)
  11. Are these really correct examples of ANA med-surg certification questions?

    Not all that much, really... 1) Salary: Some hospitals (don't know the percentage) will give you a bit of a salary raise...I think mine will give me 50 cents more an hour...consider that the cost of the exam is about $400 (not including the $50-80 I...
  12. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    Yeah, he's probably regretting that one now; unless he had a genuine reason for not wanting tylenol, like the Pt had liver disease or something; plus, all the other MD's getting called up in the night for tylenol and MOM are going to hate him, too! ...
  13. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    weirdness. do people think through these statements before they make them / write them on medical forms?
  14. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    doesn't sound bad, thank you. :)
  15. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    Ironically, just last night, I had a Pt with a tylenol allergy listed! sadly, I forgot to ask what her symptoms were; but yeah, I'll google "tylenol allergy" and get some info, thanks. sidebar: I once saw an "epinephrine allergy" listed. The Pt's s...
  16. There was an elderly Pt running 190's/90's (manual BP), pulse WNL (SR c some PVC's), asymptomatic, no acute distress, neurologic check fine, at 2am. I called the MD about the BP, and he was a little perturbed, asking if this was a new development or ...
  17. BP: how high is too high (at 2am)? i.e., when will Pt stroke out?

    Thanks for replies.
  18. That is not how you address one on the telephone.. *vent*

    :) You sound like someone I would like to work with. Keep the light burning, dajulieness!
  19. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    oh, no, something new to worry about! Just when I was thinking that sometimes on night shift it's accepted for nurses to TOV tylenol prn...agh! pulling out hair in clumps. hmmm...what reaction to tylenol? Have you ever known of this happening? Wh...
  20. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    But really, who reported this nurse? I know the OP doesn't know, but I'm curious...this is end-of-life, where you're treating the family (sounds like the Pt himself/herself was unconscious), so if the family had said goodbye and was ready for life s...
  21. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    Never thought about it that way. Now, when I call MD's up at 2am, I can get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, instead of feeling like a's like a charity, like visiting the infirmed and lonely! lol. I should put that on needlepoint and frame...
  22. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    oh, dear! sorry, that's kind of grim humor, although I know you probably didn't mean it that way. :)
  23. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    ah, dajulieness, you sound like a thoughtful peacemaker! :) nice avatar/profile pic, btw.
  24. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    oh, dear. I've been practicing almost 2 years now; I work night shift, so sometimes it's practice to TOV an order for, say, tylenol prn, rather than call an MD at 2am...realistically, we're not getting sued over tylenol (of course, one would check ...
  25. Will never write order again w/o permission from doc

    Really? Not even a 2am order for tylenol, or a clarification, say, the MD wrote "zofran 4 mg IVP q6'" and you clarify it as a prn med? Or writing "NPO p MN" for a Pt who's having a procedure/surgery in the morning...nothing like that?