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About anthony02

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  1. Medical Assistants to replace RN's?

    Apparently (and I say apparently because this is second hand information) but a few hospitals in the area are replacing RNs with paramedics because the medics are paid roughly half of what the nurses make.
  2. Career change advice

    Well, these are all good points to consider. The plan as it is right now is to take the pre-req courses that are required for all of the programs that I'm considering - A&P, micro, nutrition, etc... These will take about 2 semesters, so I'm goi...
  3. Career change advice

    Does anyone know anything more about the tuition reimbursement programs?
  4. Career change advice

    This is really great advice and I appreciate it all. I had no idea about tuition reimbursement from hospitals. Lilla, do you have any more info about that, or do you know where I can find some? Charmander, I work with a few guys who are ALS provider...
  5. Career change advice

    To be honest, if tuition money and time were not an issue, I would go for one of the many accelerated BSN programs in my area (accellerated/second degree programs). The cost of the BSN programs are significantly more than the ADN programs, and I don...
  6. Career change advice

    Thanks for all of the responses. Beachbumnrs, do you think that having an ADN will put me at a disadvantage when trying to get a job in an emergency department?
  7. Career change advice

    Hi everyone, I've been looking around this website for a few weeks now, and I thought it was time to ask a question. I'm considering a change from my current career to nursing. I'm not going to post the details, but its enough to say that my caree...