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All Content by cadeusus2004

  1. Hey I'm New!

    Many medical institutions will gladly discuss with you your priorities and needs. They need nurses. Many female RNs have the same- or like- situation as yours. Perhaps your instructors can give you good advice. Don't be afraid to ask. There is fl...
  2. Hey I'm New!

    Berta, OK. I'm approaching 60. I know there are a lot of us that are in Nursing and working Geriatrics/Rehab. I think we are in a transition where we are seeing our former generation (The WWII) going out, with our help, and are now starting to tak...
  3. Hey I'm New!

    Hey Allen, Welcome to the site. What's your tune?
  4. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Imagin916 How in blazes the experienced one got through that year of M/S I'll never know. How she got put in ER is even more perplexing. I don't know what to say about it. Experience, or what we call it, has some pitfalls. One of them is the mindse...
  5. New Grads in the ED (?)

    As one who sometimes makes long replies, I would like to add a short one: When I was a Nueroscience Nurse I held ER nurses in highest regard, and still do. They worked WITH us, and us them, to save lives. I would simply like to salute them as collea...
  6. New Grads in the ED (?)

    I wanted to add something. Please look at your contract. If it mentions your preference and its commitment to that, in writing, they must abide by it. However, most of these contracts seem to have a bit that says, "wherever needed" or some such. One...
  7. Hey I'm New!

    Zipster, Come on in and welcome to the family. The food is good, the place is warm, there is plenty of love, and we fight a lot. I have discovered what the greatest word in any language is: "Home".
  8. New Grads in the ED (?)

    NearlyERRN, Play it safe. All you want to do is graduate. this professor could hurt you and I think he or she is being very uncollegial about the whole thing. Best to keep your mouth shut, your eyes down, do what she says, be nice and make it thro...
  9. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Continuing on the worldwide front: A few years ago the World Health Organization rated the best ER teams in the world. The winner, get this, was the Havana General ER. I saw them in action on a video about ER operations. They do more with what they...
  10. New Grads in the ED (?)

    fab4fan, Gear! "Baby you can drive my car, And maybe I'll love you. Beep, Beep, 'm, Beep, Beep, Yeah!" Now there is a philosophical song if I ever heard one. The best from the best.
  11. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Dear Headhurt, Then there, in ER, is where you belong. "Quite right. You're bloody well right. You know you got the right to say" -Supertramp
  12. New Grads in the ED (?)

    I have to work tonight, but I thought I'd add something. Mexico has for a long time been the training ground for American medical students, particularly at University of Guadalahara. Its a great medical school and has many grants from U.S. companies...
  13. New Grads in the ED (?)

    ERJulie and Hogan, the term "Code Green" is used when a care provider is in immenent danger from a patient or the clinical environment. In mental health facilities it used to be called a "Mayday". The book, "Code Green: Money-Driven Hospitals and th...
  14. New Grads in the ED (?)

    I can think of no greater philosophers of our times than the various musicians we all listened to. In our generation when "the music mattered" (well, the words, anyway), so, after skipping a generation, again, the music again matters., about life, o...
  15. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Everyone, Well, I don't have to elaborate. But do I use "cheat sheets", a calculator, the "Portable RN" and carry a brandy new 2004 Drug manual? You bet. TPN? Well, in ER you wouldn't have to know it unless someone came to you on it, and there ar...
  16. New Grads in the ED (?)

    To All, If you are considering a career in LTC, here a a few things that may make collegiality better: Join NGNA (National Geriatric Nurses Association). They have an online test and certifications. The august American Geriatric Association has a s...
  17. New Grads in the ED (?)

    You see, what slows things down is the arcaine nature of many LTC facilities which make you do a full set of pages before we send. I at least try to get the Page 2 done right away and copy off the MARs, RXs and any new orders. I also grab another pe...
  18. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Hogan4736, That's OK. Yeah, irks me if a person comes in and starts with the "Do you know who I am?" routine. Me? First thing I say is "Please help me, I'm dehydrated and have hyperhydrosis." I usually get (from somewhere in the background), "Again...
  19. Homework due day one

    Flenoy, Now that's the spirit. "Nobody gonna breaka my stride. Nobody gonna turn me round, Oh No. I got to keep on movin'." -Supertramp
  20. Cancelled

    Whoa, there Northstar, Whether you know it or not, most agencies have already headed you off at the pass about working for a company you work for as agency. There is a clause that prohibits most agency nurses from seeking employment in places with w...
  21. Cancelled

    Barefoot Lady, Here's another way to do it: Hire on Per Deim in a hospital or facility and join an agency, too. Many up here do. Travel is great if you are built for it and you are mobile enough. First, there are many tax advantages. Second, you get...
  22. New Grads in the ED (?)

    Hogan4736, Where I live its a bit tough to do. Everyone here already knows I'm a RN, so I can't very well hide it. some of them I work with. Some of them I graduated with. Besides, the local hospitals are the best ones around. And, I don't really...
  23. Homework due day one

    Carolanne, Thanks for the reply. Buona Fortuna with your career. Yes, in many states RNs, and only RNs, may pronounce. Works like this: A patient has a DNR, DNH and DNI (Advanced Directives here in Massachusetts. The Directives must be signed and ...
  24. New Grads in the ED (?)

    ERJulie, You sure have the fear thing right. Hanging your tail out over the edge and pushing that outer envelope is exhilarating. You gotta have the fear, the urgency factor. But, when I did it I always knew I had to have the clearest focus. When...
  25. Workplace Bullies

    Larry, I was commenting on the specific case. You are, however, correct. The ting is to nip the sucker in the bud as hard and fast as you can. When I was in the service I came down really hard on bullies since they destroy the team and the mission....