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All Content by mom23boyz

  1. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    So we're just doing the Infection Control ATI tutorial for now, right?
  2. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Finished the post test for chpts 2-5 and got 100%. Now I'm just organizing my papers and looking at the objectives. Has anyone looked to see if the professor's objectives are identical to the textbook? I haven't looked yet. I don't see anything about...
  3. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    sorry Andrea.
  4. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Yes. There wasn't anything there.
  5. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Ya, and I believe I read the final exam is cummulative so make sure you don't throw them out. I feel so overwhelmed. DH said he would take Lucas out somewhere while Liam naps so I can get some time to do school work. And he will be gone tonight so I ...
  6. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Found a pic of one of the guys and it isn't either of them. Phewf. LOL
  7. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    I hope that annoying guy isn't in our clinical. I saw there are two guys in there. One might be the smelly guy. The other could be the annoying guy. Oh no!
  8. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    So is the course guide essentially like a study guide???? It looks like it provides objectives and an outline for each chapter, plus assignments. I think my heart sunk to my gut when I read the procalc requirement. I saw that it said during exams the...
  9. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    OMG!!!! I just saw that we are only allowed to miss one question on the procalc exam to administer meds. It doesn't say anything about using calculators. Now I'm even more terrified. We get two attempts to pass it. Also, it looks like we do get point...
  10. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    actually just saw that they didn't send me a clear clip, they sent green. So you can have blue and I will take the red one. Unless you want green?
  11. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Ok. I wanted blue so I will give you clear. Do you want to use the verticle holders then? I emailed the company I ordered them from to see if I could exchange them for horizontal ones. They don't work weekends so hopefully I hear back on Monday. Gonn...
  12. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    I got the badge holders and retractable clips in the mail. The badge holders are verticle though. I could have sworn I ordered horizontal but I guess not. I can try to return them but it would probably cost me as much to do so as I actually paid for ...
  13. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Sadly, I think I just need a vacation from being a mom. I need some time with just DH alone without the kids getting on our nerves cause that just puts us over the edge and then we bicker with each other. I wish it would have gone better. Like I said...
  14. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Hi ladies. I'm back. Great Wolf was ok. It would have been better if Liam was older and Lucas could swim independently. Liam was cranky the whole time, probably from a lack of sleep. And Lucas took on a brattier (yes, brattier) persona. Between the c...
  15. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Got my ID. Feels like I was in and out within 10 minutes and that includes getting the sticker. We are leaving in the morning. I have yet to pack. Decided to take some time away after I got my ID. I needed some alone time.
  16. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Where is everybody? Well I got through ratios and proportions last night. Finally I understand! Still making stupid mistakes. I need to relearn my multiplication table. LOL. About to head out to get the boys hair cuts. Will be going to gtown campus t...
  17. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Just finished the chapter review test. I missed 9 and all because of stupid, careless mistakes. All the more reason to use a calculator!
  18. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Thanks for the update Kristian. Andrea - your current parking tag doesn't expires until mid Sept so you still have time to get it sorted out. We visited the tree today. I guess it looked ok. Not sure since a lot of the leaves had brown holes in them....
  19. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    My bag is red and gray. I'm afraid to start the ATI module. I want to know if it is timed, graded, etc before I do it. I don't like surprises. So if anyone does it first, let me know. I think I will be going to Gtown Mon or Tues afternoon. Tomorrow i...
  20. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Got my new backpack today but haven't opened it up yet. Like the color. I'm probably going to Gtown campus late afternoon Monday or sometime on Tuesday to get my ID. Have you gotten yours yet Kristian? We are leaving for Great Wolf Lodge for a few da...
  21. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    I hope you got what you needed Kristian. Ironic, I got something in the mail from Montgomery General today. Just a generic mailing to the neighborhood I think but I had never even heard of them before looking at the clinical list.
  22. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Got the email. Everything's negative!
  23. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Ugh. I called and the lady said the file was corrupt and wouldn't open. So she has to call the lab to have them resend the report and then she will email it to me. Who knows how long that will take.
  24. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    That promotion wouldn't work in combination with the deal they have. Ordered it anyway. Had good reviews, large capacity so hopefully it does the trick.
  25. Montgomery College, Fall 2011, 1st semester students

    Well they have the bag I was supposed to get for only a few dollars more. But now I'm thinking I want to save money. There are some high sierras I am eyeing that are on sale for $24 so maybe I will go with one of those. That's about a $40 savings.