Mike A. Fungin RN

Mike A. Fungin RN

Trauma ICU, Peds ICU

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All Content by Mike A. Fungin RN

  1. Why is it ...

    I work with quite a few Filipino nurses... and I can't say I've ever noticed this at work. Don't think I can recall witnessing it on this board either? Do you have an example of what you're talking about?
  2. best nursing positions for men.

    The great majority of male nurses I know work in critical care or emergency departments. The areas that seem to be most well liked by the guys I know are those two along with flight and psych. Men seem to be attracted to the technology, high pressu...
  3. Every now and then I'm reminded...

    ...why I got into this line of work. I've had a rough few months at work, and if I'm really honest... I guess I've experienced my first brush with burnout. I've had a string of frustrating, and/or futile patient assignments. It seems like ETOH withd...
  4. What's the weirdest baby name?

    Spelling: 1) La-a Pronunciation: 1) Ladasha Yes. That's "dash" as in the punctuation mark.
  5. OK we get it STUD, you're straight

    I've noticed that on these forums too, but I'm don't really see what the big deal it. I can understand why some straight men, while preparing to enter this profession, might have insecurities or concerns about being perceived as less masculine or ho...
  6. Ca RNs drawing blood?

    Might be facility specific. They can always limit our scope of practice within house. i.e. RT's and medics can't intubate at my hospital.
  7. What is the longest long day anyone works???

    big difference. flight nurses get downtime and get to sleep if there's no calls. i used to do 24's as a firefighter/emt and that was wayyy easier than doing 12 hour nights or days as an rn.
  8. Violence against nurses law.

    Likewise, I'm not a big fan of laws that afford greater protection for a particular class of people. This reminds me of "hate crime" laws that don't protect white victims of race-based offenses. We simply need to be better about reporting violence a...
  9. Chest tube help

    Yeah, that's the way some of them are designed. It was probably an Atrium Oasis or Express. There's a dial for setting the amount of suction you want, as opposed to filling a chamber with water. Atrium actually has some really great educational ma...
  10. Move out here or get 1 year experience first ?!?

    3 ICU/ER offers at level 1 trauma centers? Count your blessings and take one of those positions for a year, at least.
  11. Job opportunities for New Grads

    I have truly never understood why someone in already stiff competition for limited positions would want to expand the applicant pool by spreading the word.
  12. Patients and the race card

    CanadaEh, I think it was brave of you to ask the nurses on this forum how to handle that kind of behavior, despite probably knowing full well that many here would use it as an opportunity to get on their soap boxes. Some patients and their family...
  13. One bad egg...

    On the one hand, she's a student. The nurse manager has no place telling a student what they can or can't wear, unless it's a safety issue (i.e. flip flops). The student's not an employee, she's responsible to her school for uniform requirements. W...
  14. I think that if LTC positions are all that is available to you right now, it would be foolish to turn one down because it might make you "unmarketable" in the future. I can't imaging that being unemployed will serve you any better. That said, the av...
  15. Annoyed- Surgical Tech does NOT equal Nurse!

    It is, at least in California.
  16. What is the most important trait to have as a nurse?

    Common sense and the confidence to follow it when those around you don't.
  17. Ever had to take care of someone you knew and/or didn't like?

    I don't like about 80-90% of the patients I care for. Just kidding... kind of.
  18. RN's home address is accessible fm Internet

    The website for California is http://www2.dca.ca.gov/pls/wllpub/wllqryna$lcev2.startup?p_qte_code=RN&p_qte_pgm_code=7800 and it only lists the county, not your whole address.
  19. John Muir Nurses ! ICN/NICU

    Your best bet is to excel in your preceptorship and make sure your preceptor knows how interested you are. If there are opportunities for new grads in the next year, her recommendation will go a long way. It might even be worthwhile to introduce yo...
  20. AEDs and SNFs

    Sounds like the administrators need some education. What could you possibly do wrong with an AED?
  21. Death and taxes...

    Look up the federal and California state income tax brackets, and you can do the math. They're pretty easy to find on google.com.
  22. PEG Tube to suction..

    I've seen PEG to suction ordered on rare occasions, usually in patients with extensive abdominal trauma.
  23. The "Flirt"

    It's amusing. Helps break the tension of work.
  24. Looking for EMT's who are now in nursing school

    I'd like to know: How is nursing the same or different from your expectations? Same: Good schedule, great benefits/salary, challenging Different: On the plus side, I have more autonomy (at least in critical care) than I expected, although still less...
  25. I work in a neuroscience / trauma ICU... so a little combativeness is par for the course. That said, there's a difference between being on the receiving end of abuse from someone with a brain injury, dementia, delerium, or otherwise altered mentatio...