CeilingCat ASN, RN

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All Content by CeilingCat

  1. CeilingCat

    Re: Noise Levels While Studying

    It's one thing if the "noise" is a radio I turned on low in the background to a station I like. But usually noise is the rowdy students in the library who are so busy laughing loudly amongst themselves at their friends' Facebook pages, I can't get a...
  2. CeilingCat

    Pregnant in Nursing School....

    You raise a good point! Last week they had to pull the pregnant RN patients because of the patient(s) were shedding cytomegalovirus and she had no idea if she had been exposed before. The worst part is that this RN had no idea CMV could hurt her ...
  3. CeilingCat

    Study Groups: Their structure & benefits

    Find one person with similar goals as you, i.e. if you're hoping for A's don't pair up with the disinterested C student. A study group doesn't have to be 4-5 people... and sometimes smaller works better. I'm an introvert who aims for an A avera...
  4. CeilingCat

    Unemployed Associates and Bachelors RNs

    I had a far easier time getting my bachelor's in computer science than getting my associates (for R.N.) in nursing. I also needed almost 2 years worth of pre-reqs before I could even apply for the 2 year Nursing degree. Add to that my school r...
  5. CeilingCat

    when did they stop wearing those cute nurses caps?

    I miss them, too. I think they're adorable!
  6. CeilingCat

    Co-worker eats like a cave woman...

    I don't think it's your place to decide how others should eat. If you find it offensive, just go somewhere else to eat. Is it unprofessional for her not to use utensils? Maybe... but is it professional of you to let others' eating habits bother y...
  7. CeilingCat

    Pre employment physical while pregnant?

    You're setting yourself up to be seen as sneaky or dishonest when, once hired, they discover your big secret. If you lie to them in the process of the health screening, I'd wonder if this might give them a reason to want to get rid of you...? ...
  8. CeilingCat

    Fish Oil and Fibromyalgia/Arthritis/Chronic Pain

    If you want Omega 3's without the odor, expense, and possible contaminants of fish, then check out flax oil. But there is a big debate though about how much additional supplementation we really need of fatty acids, for people already eating a bala...
  9. CeilingCat


    The answer is : it depends. Some schools have more challenging curriculum for Micro; some don't. Some students struggle with this type of science class; some don't. I loved Micro! I got an A in both lab & lecture. I didn't even buy the (ov...
  10. CeilingCat

    CNA without Exp, Seeking 2 Become a MA - Advice Needed

    Volunteer, even if you can only do it one day a week. Or seek out an internship. Look for anything that may give you clinical experience to fill that hole in your resume. Expand your search for CNA type jobs. That's the one medical job that neve...
  11. CeilingCat

    Is healthcare a right or privilege?

    I believe a nation's obligation is first to the lives and safety of its citizens. We recognize that when we spent many billions on fancy military weaponry. We recognize it when we spend a fortune on police departments and FBI. We don't flinch ab...
  12. CeilingCat

    Is healthcare a right or privilege?

    So what you're saying is that you don't have a right to walk along a public roadway because someone else paid for it? You don't have the right to feel safe and secure in your home, if others help to pay for the police department and fire station? ...
  13. Is it really "harassment" to call you once, leave a message, and not call again That is not harassment. Is it appropriate? I can't judge because I'm not even clear on why they called. I understand you're really sick of working at that job, but ...
  14. CeilingCat

    Having Hard time with A&P 1.

    I was out of school over 10 years, when I returned in my 30s to get into nursing. So don't let your age or # of years since school be a reason you can't succeed. A&P is a straightforward memorization class. Find out what kind of learner you ar...
  15. CeilingCat

    Had the WORST shadow experience, am shaking

    Awesome reply! Don't be a victim. Isn't an incident report mandatory anyway at a hospital, when a health care worker is exposed to bodily fluids?
  16. CeilingCat

    Hello Stress, nice to see you again, NOT!

    Do the community college, take the NCLEX, be a RN. Community college is cheaper and faster... you can transfer the credits later and do the BSN if you want to. My community college is less than a third the price of the university -- and the cr...
  17. CeilingCat

    Organ Donation Opt Out

    It's silly for a dead person to hang onto their organs when it can save another person's life. To know the organs are decomposing in a coffin when another person lives or dies -- it seems so selfish and pointless. For the few who have religious or pe...
  18. Is this 10 miles on an open road? Or 10 miles of stop-and-go traffic, full of jerks who cut me off? Time and stress, not mileage, are more important to me in deciding what is "too far". If we're looking at 1 hour each way, that's 2 hours a day ...
  19. CeilingCat

    Loans, interest, decisions, oh my!! Help!

    I did the expensive University Bachelor's degree before. I feel that it alone doesn't always guarantee a job. Now I am returning to college to get my nursing degree. I opted to go to a community college. Total tuition isn't going to be much o...
  20. CeilingCat

    Can't listen to my lecture... any help?

    Glad to hear you figured it out. That is a clever idea - a podcast! When we lost over half of a 4 hour lecture last week, they just read the slides to us really really fast and skipped several sections. And we're going to be tested on the material...
  21. CeilingCat

    Working While in Nursing School??

    For my school it would be REALLY hard, unless you worked weekends only. On just a day or two's notice, they'll decide to add a mandatory workshop or something... and most employers don't want to changing schedules around every week.
  22. CeilingCat

    What the heck is up with nursing school tests??!!

    Not only do we have not-so-clear questions, every test has a few questions that are wrong: either two very right answers (and they're forced to re-grade and take either answer), mistakes on wording, etc. Last semester we had 4 exams and one of th...
  23. CeilingCat

    Take the IV out... yourself.

    Why would she tell you that? Saying "take it out yourself" tells me she thought you (1) could take it out (2) were indicating somehow you could do a better job. Sorry to sound doubtful, but you've got to understand from my point of view it seems...
  24. What advice would you give someone who will graduate soon as a RN, but who wants something a little different than a local hospital? I'm thinking of something like Doctors Without Borders. Can you give me feedback on that organization? Or ...
  25. CeilingCat

    Assisted Suicide

    It was made illegal because some people had that value judgement first. It can be just as easily made legal.