CeilingCat ASN, RN

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All Content by CeilingCat

  1. CeilingCat

    Pets in the office? (LTC)

    I might skip out on any pet that a % of the population has a strong fear of. I like snakes, but I recognize that some people do not. Some people are downright phobic. As someone who owned snakes, I would be concerned about stressing him out ...
  2. CeilingCat

    Doc beings medical student without permission

    Some hospitals are teaching hospitals, and when patients are admitted one of the things they sign is an acknowledgement this a teaching hospital. Imagine being a Nursing student and having to get explicit permission every time a student accompanies...
  3. CeilingCat

    Time of the month in light colored scrubs

    In cooler weather, I felt safest wearing white long-johns over my panties. Now that it's warmer I'm going with two pairs of panties on. My top is also pretty long, so if there was a smaller spot, it may not necessarily show up unless I bent st...
  4. CeilingCat

    nurses hide from high-needs pt

    Thank you all for your feedback!!! On one hand agree with those of you who said she is overusing the call bell and manipulating. I do agree that the nurse's other 3-4 patients are just as important as this one. Maybe there is something to it w...
  5. CeilingCat

    I've been bullied all my life, and it continues...

    While I am very sympathetic of your situation, especially around "professionals" you mention it's been happening all your life. People who push to get their way are pretty much everywhere though. People are people and no job is free of the risk ...
  6. I've had fibro for over a decade. I don't tell people about it. I learned how to manage it, and I try not to let it slow me down. I am an A-student, bright, capable, optimistic, and active! :) Currently I am in Nursing School. I'm dealing with ...
  7. CeilingCat

    Tubal Ligation Failure

    Don't let anyone make you feel bad. People who want babies don't understand what it feels like NOT to want one. I'm personally in a situation right now where I absolutely don't want kids, and just the idea of me being pregnant horrifies me. ...
  8. CeilingCat

    How scary was your fist clinical experience?

    I realized that everyone in my group was as lost as I was. 1st clinicals was at LTC. Thankfully the aides were around, and I was able to ask mine a million questions. She must've thought I was a complete dimwit. I was asking her questions abou...
  9. I'm having a problem with the subjectivity of it. I am graded on what the instructor's personal opinion on some things are. They don't teach me why they'd come to such a conclusion. Or instructor A lectures on a topic and Instructor B writes the q...
  10. CeilingCat

    For Fun - Things You Want to Buy Once You're a Nurse

    A piece of land somewhere really quiet and rural, perhaps a mountaintop in WV. Or even better, a vacation cottage. A small-but-reliable motor home. And the hot tub idea sounds great, too!
  11. CeilingCat

    Dear future nursing students,

    I'm not sure if you posted this in jest or as a vent or as a serious piece of advice. If it's serious advice, it sounds like the problem isn't the other students. There will always be someone with more free time, more money, more connections, mo...
  12. Part of being professional is acting that role. Whether you find it phony or not, these are things people expect in our culture from a "professional". There will be people you aren't pleased to meet in nursing, and even if you feel it might be ...
  13. CeilingCat

    Co-worker selling her own prescription meds!

    People sell or give away Rx drugs all the time. The best you can probably do here is to educate her. If she doesn't want to hear it, you've done what you can. Short of calling the police (with no proof), there isn't much else you can do. If you c...
  14. CeilingCat

    Mobbing support - threats, hostile work environment

    Stop hiding from them. LET them become verbally abusive. LET one of them touch you. Because from now on you'll carry a notepad and jot down everything inappropriate other nurses say. Then you'll have it word-for-word when you file additional complain...
  15. CeilingCat

    student with fibro + bad shift hours = flare up

    Nobody has any suggestions or words of support? :sofahider
  16. CeilingCat

    Lied on...what to do?

    Don't assume someone was lying. It's so easy for a syringe to fall or be moved. You should not have left the room without it in the Sharps container or your hand. Chalk it up to a learning experience. Apologize and make it clear to management ...
  17. CeilingCat

    Spouse Turning Nonsupportive During NP School

    If you quit school, you'll not only be shortchanging yourself & your kids, you will always resent him. If you keep going to school but don't do anything for him, he'll keep resenting you. So it seems like you've got to do something. I feel ...
  18. CeilingCat

    Is it ethical for nurses to go on strike?

    Some might say it'll illegal for nurses to strike because of the general risk to public safety. But the flip side of that is, who looks out for nurses rights who are forced to work? Is the only other choice but to quit the facility or the career? ...
  19. CeilingCat

    got yelled at today- for volunteering

    Well... technically she was right. You AREN'T there to volunteer. Not that it's wrong that volunteering can help with finding a job, but she may have felt you didn't understand why you should be volunteering. Volunteering is not a pre-interview ...
  20. CeilingCat

    How to not suck at clinical

    Pay close attention to your individual clinical instructor: what does she seem to focus on? What is important to her? What does she say to bring to the facility? I found that preparing well the night before + a good night's sleep went a long way...
  21. I say WHAT nursing shortage?! Right now everyone is in a hiring freeze. Those who are hiring tend to want years of experience. If you're a new grad, forget it. Even the internship jobs are scarce and people are fighting over them like you would...
  22. CeilingCat

    This is a shocker

    I'll wait for the other side of the story. Before we go on a witch hunt against fellow nurses, let's wait and see what the investigation finds. There might be an issue of confusion or delirium on the part of the patient. Odd they would have ...
  23. I go to a community college, which in total will cost me about $5k including books to get my R.N. Can you look at state universities? Community colleges? Or perhaps getting most of your general & pre-req credits at the inexpensive communi...
  24. CeilingCat

    Healthcare Reform-ER

    I have what might be a stupid question, but are we sure there is a PCP shortage nationwide? Or is it like this supposed "nursing shortage" we keep hearing about but now that I'm in nursing, I fail to find? I just ask because I can get into my prima...
  25. CeilingCat

    Missed a call for an on-call shift

    What's done is done. No sense losing sleep over it. What matter is what you'll do to prevent it from happening again. If it were me, I'd give them my home phone #. Get an answering machine and screen calls when you're not on call. Get a relia...