
smc5127 BSN, CNA, RN


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About smc5127

smc5127 has 15 years experience as a BSN, CNA, RN and specializes in ER, TNCC.

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  1. Cherokee Statement

    Has anyone ever tried Cherokee Statement scrubs?
  2. 2019 New Grad Salaries

    Yes, you need at least one year of experience first. No, it’s not hard being the only medical one, you just wish you had help when it gets busy bc these days kids love going to the nurse instead of...
  3. Worst Nursing Scrub Color Worn?

    Seafoam green when I was a health program as a student
  4. What size are you in scrubs??

    I like Jaanuu, I wear a 34G and a medium shirt fits. They're shaped to our frame, so they don't hang like tents. I also wear a medium tall size pant. I'm 5'9 and a size
  5. How do you wear your Apple Watch?

    I wear my watch like a watch ad only use Siri when I'm not in my facility. I stopped using the magnetic bands bc I kept getting stuck to equipment,
  6. I love 12hr shifts. After 3 days, LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Many places are only open during business ghours which means that I would never be able to make my own appts. Also, on my 4 days off, I'm sleep and...
  7. Discussing salary with co workers

    Don't do that. At my last job, my coworker took my check and opened it, after that, she always had an attitude and started lying on e to get me fired. New nurse, more education, made more money than...
  8. Night shifters- try a weighted blanket

    I'm going to look in to getting one
  9. Gear for new (overnight) LTC nurse?

    How do you like Benefit scrubs? I have a stethescope case from Pod Technical Specialist Case for my Master Cardiology and bought my ex one for his Cardiology IV. I'd get a pulse oximeter for the...
  10. Dansko Shoes are killing my feet!!!

    Honestly, they're the number one nursing shoes but most nurses I've spoken to ever since nursing school hate them. They all say that they hurt. We wear sneakers and I swear by my Adidas Pure and Ultra...
  11. I like Footloose and Laite Hebe compression socks, I get mine from Amazon. I find it easier to search for navy blue socks to match my scrubs there. For NYC winter's I like MIXSNOW's socks, also found...
  12. 2019 New Grad Salaries

    Thanks, I'll look into it for my days off. I'd take them over SK any day. I do NYC school nursing on my days off now and am growing tired of it, I need to
  13. I love them, the only brand I wear. I'm
  14. Apple Watch - Why I Love It!

    All nurses and doctors I know have Apple watches. We endorse Apple and Contigo thermoses,
  15. School Nurses- Why so many vacancies?

    I'm a NYC ER nurse but temp as a school nurse on my off days. I hate the school I'm writing this from now. One of the bad things about school nursing is not the kids (not so much) but the...