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All Content by Babzuptown

  1. Causes of losing your license?

    A nurse that I graduated with was married to someone who had graduated the year before us. He was working as an RN when he kidnapped her and held a gun to her head in a remote, mountain area. She was leaving him. She managed to talk her way out of it...
  2. Staying late, not getting paid.

    Do as everyone here has said. Then find an attorney because the powers that be will begin harassment and drive you to resign or drum up something to fire you! Then be brave and enlist the attorney to bring a labor abuse case against the hospital.
  3. feeling so discouraged

    I have worked the past three years in the ER. I recently accepted a float position in a hospital in NY. I lasted 2 months. I got 3 weeks orientation on one particular unit, the so-called toughest unit in the hospital. I survived, the assistant manage...
  4. feeling so discouraged

    Thank you, both, for your support. This is good advice I'm back doing per diem in the ED. I just wanted something less hectic. But, yeah, for so many reasons, love the "overwhelming floor specific policies and procedures" insight. I tend to jump in ...
  5. That poem is fun and true for a lot of working/studying moms. If you don't laugh, you're gonna cry. And even if it was from the 60s 70s 80s 90s so what. Still true today. Hidden cat, what world are you living in? We haven't fixed it yet, it's still s...
  6. I hear ya summerscent. But, we have more control than many of us realize. Fight the good fight.
  7. Dear preceptor

    I'm sorry, too, Ivanna. Reading your post makes me think you precepted with my last precepter in my last PCU. I did not survive. But my story has a happy ending. I am working in a beautiful hospital with a unit full of staff who pride themselves on ...
  8. Railroaded at work

    I accepted a job on a PCU. The requirements were simply, willing to train Med Surg RN w/expereince. I have my ACLS and passed their telemetry exam, not just a simple version either, with 96.6%. I further had to take a Critical Care class and pass wit...
  9. Railroaded at work

    So, is this now a gang beating I'm taking on line?
  10. Railroaded at work

    "i always have to wonder when someone write that they're being railroaded, fired for no reason or excluded from the cliques because they're just so darned cute and everyone is jealous. several things make me wonder if this person didn't start the ne...
  11. Life is too short to be this stressed

    "I feel like I'm not really living. I'm surviving work and then merely existing the rest of the time." So sad. So true, me too. I think I will find another way to use my license. or just cut back to no more than 2 days a week as a floor nurse. Hope y...
  12. Railroaded at work

    if i weren't a single mom, living paycheck to paycheck, that would have been me at the first turn of events. thanks for showing support and taking me at my word. i honestly feel like i've been just beaten or run over in this hospital. and it is deves...
  13. Railroaded at work

    And..I don't see how anyone looking younger than their age has anything to do with anything. Valerie, from what I have seen, many new nurses (whether new grads or new to a unit) are at the mercy of whether they are accepted. I only mentioned I looked...
  14. Railroaded at work

    Ok, I've had a little sleep. I will review and re-think. I apologize if I offended and the intent was truly well-meaning. I am scared, and vulnerable and already getting bashed at work. Really don't need further bashing here. I'm careful for how I sp...
  15. Are You Popular At Work?

    How cute! How clever. Love this.
  16. Railroaded at work

    "defending the missionaries who have interrupted your colleague's sleep is not a good way to get along. if you stay on night shift, you may understand that one day!" ruby, you weren't there. this is quite the assumption. for all we know it was her da...
  17. Railroaded at work

    Thanks Alexk49. See, I think like this too. I know there are nurses like you and me and so many others on this post. I will hope and pray for so much at my next job.
  18. Railroaded at work

    "There's only one thing to do, OP: Resign, do it now, don't even attend the meeting except to deliver your letter (better yet, deliver it to HR). Then run, don't walk, out of there." And so, my dilemna, if I resign, I have to pay back the sign on bon...
  19. Railroaded at work

    I don't remember how it came up that I was LDS, origionally. I do remember putting it out there after the first mean comment. And believe it or not, my thinking was, I didn't want the person who made fun to do it again in front of me and then, somewh...
  20. Railroaded at work

    Thank you DeLana. Good advice. I had a great relationship w/HR on hiring. Scarry stuff.
  21. Railroaded at work

    So much of this has been helpful. And some of it is ugly assumption. Why assume so much. I offered background because I hoped for experience, feedback and support. I never imagined anyone was "trying to corrupt me" with coffee. I don't think like tha...
  22. Railroaded at work

    Yes, this is a union hospital. They held their little "we're ready to part ways" meeting without giving me a heads up so that I could invite a union rep. I'm paying union dues. Some of these comments are giving me courage. I was just laying down beca...
  23. Emergency Nurse Relief Act 2009- Update

    Yes, They want to import to weaken the union position in bargaining. They want us to feel replacable. They really bombed out with the Philapino nurses, remember 4-5 years ago. They found the nurses were not as educated as US nurses.
  24. Railroaded at work

    I will post here after Tuesday what has come of this. As a writer, this is such a classic scenerio of being set up for failure and such a danger for this profession. I sure wish there was something we could do to really make this stop. I posted somew...
  25. Railroaded at work

    Thank you NC Girl RN and TurnLeftSide. Yes it does suck. And I fully expect to be scapegoated with the bed sore, if it is a bed sore. I pray it is not. And I will sit with the managers on Tuesday to hear them tell me what an incompetent nurse I am. I...