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All Content by mindyfromcali

  1. cna work places

    I've worked LTC and acute. We also had rehab patients in my LTC that i worked at. I don't think any setting is easy to work in. In the hospital we end up with more "sitter" cases. Those are patients who have to be under close supervision. Usuall...
  2. Strategies for Dressing a Stroke Patient

    In CNA school they teach us weak limb first, then the other for dressing. Opposite for undressing. Like the others have said I wouldn't recommend going head first.
  3. CNA training online??

    I've never heard of anyone who came from one of those. I don't know what state you're from, but most of them have a set amount of clinical hours and classroom hours. I don't know how an online class would keep track of classroom hours since it's se...
  4. CNA salary

    It depends on where I'm working. For LTC the least I made was $13/hr, the most was $15/hr. For the registry I work for in hospitals it's $17/hr.
  5. CNA schedule for getting a job

    Not sure where you live, but in California in 2009 it took me a month and a half to get my stuff back in the mail with my certificate. I don't know if a hospital would accept that. For me, it took a year worth of experience in skilled nursing/geria...
  6. Cdiff.

    Well if the doctor says it's ok, then it's ok. I would probably tell my employer, though, just to be safe. Just as a note, you're supposed to wear gown and gloves when dealing with people who have Cdiff and wash your hands thoroughly (no alcohol-ba...
  7. How long did it take your body to adjust working 3rd shift?

    I've worked all shifts. I've worked 8 hour and 12 hour. For 8 hour starting at 11pm and ending at 7am, i would usually sleep for a few hours after getting home from work at 8am. Then I'd wake up at 12 or 1 be awake til about 3, then sleep til abou...
  8. CNAs working in corrections

    Here in Cali they have CNA positions open in the prisons, but from what I hear it's mainly for those on suicide watch. You have to watch them carefully and if they die on your watch it's on you. I don't know about other prisons, or if that's the on...
  9. CNA class this summer or finish RN pre-requisites?

    The above poster is right, and most facilities will hire a student who has made it past the part of the clinicals where they teach you CNA stuff, which is the first quarter or semester. So yeah, in your case with the choice between the two, I would ...
  10. Question about CNA Clinical

    speed takes time not team****
  11. Question about CNA Clinical

    Nocs are usually pretty easy to get. The others are right, speed takes team even if you are experienced. Every resident is different, and is used to their routine. It can take a while to get used to what that routine is and how that fits together ...
  12. What kind of shoes do you wear for work?

    Skechers shape ups are really nice for long shifts :) unless you have an ankle condition. I also recommend shoes for crews, they are slip resistant and perfect for giving patients showers. Just make sure they have a good amount of cushion and a goo...
  13. Emergency Situations in a clinical setting

    Don't be discouraged. It sounds like the other people there were stressed about it too. I've worked in a hospital in a major metropolitan city, and in a critical care unit no less. These situations are always stressful for everybody, but the key i...
  14. Better to go LPN THEN, RN?

    I agree with all previous posters, definitely do something first to see if you want to be in nursing or not. The coursework required as prerequisites for nursing are hard to do, take a lot of time and money, and it would be a shame to go through al...
  15. CNA training, what to expect?

    It's not that hard to take a CNA course while taking a full load of college units. That wasn't my situation, but I am a CNA so know what to expect. You will need to study the basic "skills", which aren't that hard to learn. Studying for the writte...
  16. First day of CNA clinical - Elder abuse?

    I worked LTC for one year, and sadly that isn't surprising. As someone who has done plenty of oral care on residents, the crusty stuff may be caked on. Sometimes it actually hurts them if you try to scrub all of it off. I had one resident who had ...
  17. Do any CNA's here work 11-7 in LTC

    I've worked all three shifts in LTC and I'd say 11-7 is probably the easiest one for me. I'm sure there are probably other threads that describe it, and the poster right above me is pretty accurate. For me, I can sleep easily during the day as well...
  18. Guess what i saw today??!

    I'm sure the OP didn't sit there and watch her lick her fingers (hopefully). I've seen it before too, and yeah it's sad they're like that but everyone deals with the stress of our job differently.
  19. Is it impossible to find a full time position at LTC??

    I'm not sure where you live, but most places will see how well you do. If they like you, they will hire you as regular staff.
  20. Don't know if I should take this job....

    When I first got my CNA, it was hard to get places to even interview me. My first couple of jobs were definitely learning experiences. Any type of experience is good, unless you feel like you're being asked to do anything beyond your capacity or s...
  21. CNA now or wait for nursing school

    If you're serious about nursing, it doesn't hurt to become a CNA. It can do nothing but help you to be more comfortable with patient care and develop your bedside manner. I don't know anything about your part of the country, but I hope that helps.
  22. Chasing after alarms. What do you do?

    I agree with the others. I've worked both acute and ltc and completely understand. Just a note: you can't get in trouble if the care plan is followed. Mats alarms etc in place they can't write you up. Have you tried asking the nurses if they can ...
  23. If you feel uncomfortable, don't do it. I'm a CNA and to survive in this job its best to follow your instincts. Like the others said, that doesn't sound like how I was taught. Are they giving you a report about what the patient needs beforehand?
  24. Suggested CNA Programs?

    Go to the department of public health for california's web site. It took me some digging but there is a pdf file listing of approved schools to teach cna by city and county. Call each one. That's what I did.