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All Content by RN2BKD

  1. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    what exact classes you get B's and A's in (also including the lab)
  2. FAMU info please

    you havent heard anything from them...I didnt apply yet
  3. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    good luck Faith8_88
  4. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    That is wonderful :yeah:you should have no trouble getting in.
  5. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    Thank You so much for that info....so that 1st semester is going to be crazy hard.
  6. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    sunraygurl...do you know what the schedule be like for may like what is the sequence of classes you take ?
  7. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    wow...I am happy yet sad about the May admission...I hope I get in before they start using the HESI as an entrance requirement.
  8. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    so the test is not before you get in, its after ?
  9. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    Does anyone know when BC will start using entrance test ? Is the May session harder that the rest of the other session or is it the same ?
  10. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    I hear you...but good luck with everything keep me posted on anything new :)
  11. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    Im taking it wirh * ******...he's good I had him for ap1....if I get an A then my GPA is 3.4 so I hope I get an A, My GPA is not that good, but we will see what happen...is BC the only school you apply to with that GPA you can probally get into other...
  12. City College RN Program

    I went to the school for info and first they call way too much so the school is all about sales so they pressure to go to the school when I went to get info the guy was so rude and not very helpful he was unorganized and I had to wait almost 20mins f...
  13. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    Thant is wonderful...from reading the past post it seems people with as little as 9 points got in so you should be fine...if you dont get in with that type of GPA then im gonna start worrying :uhoh21:....I still need to to take APII just the lecture ...
  14. Broward College RN Program Winter Jan 2010

    Wow they are doing the applications for January aready, but 14 points is good....did you have HOSA ?
  15. Barry University

    what kind of test is that...English,reading,math,science ????
  16. Broward College Aug. '09

    is it really that bad guys
  17. Nova Southeastern

    Quick question what does Nova look at the Overal gpa or just the science gpa or both ?
  18. Barry University

    what classes is Barry looking at, and when are the application dates ?
  19. Anyone starting Daytona State ADN Fall 09

    Congrats to all...does anyone want to share there GPA, Scores,etc ?
  20. Broward College applicants for Fall 2009

    Thank you very much
  21. Broward College applicants for Fall 2009

    hey...famu is one of the school i applied to...do you have any more info on this school ?
  22. UF Generic BSN Fall 2009 Applicants

    oh really, and I was on the website but I cant find where it says when to apply....when are the application dates ? thanks so much for your help
  23. FAMU info please

    what exactly are the pre-reqs ?
  24. FAMU info please

    wow...thats crazy how do you prepare in a case that you do get it....that silly, but I spoke to some students that are currently in the program and they said that its not very hard to get into one girl said she got in with a 2.8 GPA and majority of t...
  25. FAMU info please

    still no info on this school...anybody....somebody :uhoh21: ?????