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All Content by Jay2daq

  1. i think it depends on the age of your children. Im a nanny for a single-mother who is a flight nurse. She has 2 children, a girl who is 11 and a boy who is 6. In exchange for giving me a place to live while i attend nursing school...i watch her child...
  2. CABG... highest number of grafts you've seen?

    oOo ouch. 8? Highest i've seen is a CABGx7
  3. Young adults and MI

    im 21, and i once had a patient that was 21 with an MI..... that scared me!!!! 21 YEARS OLD WITH AN MI. he was not obese, or heavyset...he was normal weight for his age and fairly active. Ran track... Crazy stuff out there!!
  4. Long...but HELP!

    So here is my situation: I am a nursing student in my junior year while working 2 jobs. I work as a CNA in the hospital as my main source of income, and i work as a CNA in a nursing home to pick up periodic shifts here and there....so its not that of...
  5. Long...but HELP!

    Moogie, i guess i never really thought about the whole marriage thing you stated. It does kind of send him the wrong message. however; it does sometimes work on him.....and at this point im really willing to try anything. The other thing that makes m...
  6. Long...but HELP!

    ^ HA! no, i did not write that....thats very unprofessional. My charting is very professional...i was just stating that. and im VERY sure having a 6'3, 300 lb guy would change that real quick. Its different when a 5'2, 21 year old walks in...lol. Tha...
  7. Why is this not in ANY of my books?

    yes, this was a postpartum fundus i was referring to. the answer ended up being bladder distention. Even in class, my instructor only stated what a deviation to the right meant....never said that could as well be a left? ...just incase anyone comes a...
  8. Can you get into nursing school with a D for A&P1?

    ^^ I agree!!! Nursing school is very difficult....im a junior and i WISH i could go back to A&P. A&P is the foundation for everything in nursing...every class builds on top of the previous one. If she cant get the first one, she won't get th...
  9. Pathophsyiology I Anyone?

    p.s. we used the book "Understanding pathophysiology"...its a pretty good book if your looking for a textbook of somesort. you can get them cheap on amazon.
  10. Pathophsyiology I Anyone?

    I took pathophysiology last year. Best thing you can do is review your A&P, it will really really help. do NOT memorize like you do in A&P...understand it!!! be able to apply it to situations...i cant emphasize that enough. i tutored Pathophy...
  11. Can you get into nursing school with a D for A&P1?

    Actually to be honest, most schools will not accept anything less than an 80%. in my program, an 80% is a C. So anything below a C is failing. CD and D is the same as an F to them
  12. Can you get into nursing school with a D for A&P1?

    Highly highly doubt it. Most programs requires a C or better.....if she can't do A&P, she is going to struggle in her nursing classes. They need to know you can do it.

    There is review information! Look at it....highly suggest it. Take the practice test.
  14. I am allergic to...

    I once had a patient tell me they were allergic to male nurses.....he was a male! i am unsure if he was joking because he sounded dead serious and i just smiled and he said "No...really i am." He ended up being incredibly inappropriate to me and the ...
  15. i got IM in the deltoid, left arm. Arm was soar for 2 days. Just felt like i pulled a muscle! I felt nauseated that entire day....headache as well. after that....i was fine :). it was kinda worth it....
  16. How long is nursing school?

    You also have to take in account your CNA which can take anywhere from 2-6 months to complete....mine took i think 4 months, but i went only 2 days a week....if you go like 5 days a week it should only take you a couple months. It depends on what one...
  17. How long is nursing school?

    Im in a private school for nursing. it has taken me 5 years to complete!!! sounds weird! a 4 year degree in 5 years? reason being is....when you go to nursing school you chose to either do the 4 year plan or the 5 year plan. MOST people choose the 5 ...
  18. Dickies vs. Cherokee

    I dont know about anyone else but i LOVE LOVE LOVE cherokee!!! its all i wear. however; i really like Dickies as well. I dont know if its just me....but are the tops WAY! to short?? I wear size XS normally in tops, and in Cherokees they fit great. Ho...
  19. Im posting this in the non-student section because i need a nurse to answer this! im a junior nursing student and im in my maternity rotation right now. We were all assigned a labor to take part in and write a 30 page paper on our experience!! anyway...
  20. Is It Just Me...

    Kinda...but majority of people do not make it through. We had 200+ people start nursing, we are down to 76. So really, alot of people declare it under- estimating it....thinking its easy and they arre guaranteed a job. NOPE! it was a huge wake up cal...
  21. Was I wrong? Needle question

    Needles should never ever be reused. i dont care where it was. just dont do it. mouth is very very dirty place meaning that needle is very very contaminated.
  22. i had a bari- patient who wanted to sit in his wheel chair constantly because he wanted me to wheel him around....once we would leave the room, he would say "Any chance you could wheel me home?".......he lives 20 minutes from the hospital. "No i will...
  23. Teaching Rounds

    We dont really have rounds like you are saying, but we have an hourly rounding sheet. This hourly rounding sheet hangs on their door and it will say like: 1200-1300 1300-1400 and so on, for a full 24 hours. It is the responsibility of the RN and the ...
  24. Internships

    I am applying for nurse internship...im a junior in nursing school. with it being so competative, i feel i wont get in. Currently, im working as a CNA in the hospital im applying to (im also applying to a few others, but this is the one that would be...
  25. Okay, in the tech's defense i see her side to the story too. NOTHING derogatory should ever ever be said infront of a patient, no matter if they are sedated, dead, confused or whatever. You just shouldnt do it... If you see other nurses doing it and ...