New Castle Ken

New Castle Ken

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All Content by New Castle Ken

  1. ADN wants to teach

    Sorry, I can only repeat, or not repeat, what Chris said above. I earned my RN with an AAS from my community college. I wanted to teach so I enrolled in a distance BSPA for nurses with a concentration in education. I thought this would be a good opti...
  2. on-line RN programs...

    This is a question that might open a can of worms as it has been for years. Your goal should be to obtain a BSN at the minimum and a graduate degree to advance. It is fine to start out with an associate degree which you can earn in 2-3 years. The imp...
  3. on-line RN programs...

    Most online programs that you see advertised and hear about are degree completion programs for those who already are licensed as RNs trying to earn a BSN or MSN. There are very very few that are for people not already an RN. One popular one, Excelsio...
  4. Any one from Wilkes-Barre area?

    Nice to see someone from NE PA. I am originally from Hazleton but haven't lived up there since 1965.
  5. Looking for Career Advice

    Most of the online RN programs are for those RNS who are already licensed as an RN and what to earn a BS or MS degree. Excelsior allows those with extensive experience (like an LPN) to take the associate. The only option available to you is to do an ...
  6. PLEASE HELP - resume for CNA

    Good question Amy. Your resume for now should list major points of employment for the past 10 years even though they are not related to healthcare or nursing. This will show a potential employer that you are mature and know what work and responsibili...
  7. Clayton College

    If this course is just for fun this is OK. However whenever taking college courses it is important to make sure the college is accredited by an agency that is approved by the Department of Education. This would not only include regional accreditation...
  8. Independent/distance learning

    Rue is not associated with Excelsior at all. They sell study supplies and that is all. Some people that I have been in contact with felt that the materials supplied through Rue were helpful but others feel Excelsior supplies you with a study guide at...
  9. Independent/distance learning

    Welcome. Excelsior does have an associate degree in nursing but it is mainly for people who have an extensive nursing-like background (like an LPN). Most of the online BSN and MSN programs are for people who are already licensed as an RN.
  10. Independent/distance learning

    Great! and good luck. I hope that you enjoy the experience.
  11. Had to pull out.....

    I wish you luck no matter what you choose to do. I went to nursing school as an adult. I didn't have children but I had to work and owned a house. Really difficult to get home after working the 3-11 shift (with a 1 hour drive) and be at clinical at 7...
  12. In search of an answer...Thanks!

    Accreditation is really complicated. Regional accreditation is most common and included the whole college. An accrediting agency must be approved by the Department of Education in Washington. The DOE posts a list of agencies that it approves. Regiona...
  13. Excelsior in Colorado

    Excelsior is regionally accredited and also nursing accredited. Individual state boards of nursing can make a decision to allow Excelsior graduates take their initial state board RN exam or not. I don't know about what the board in Colorado does but ...
  14. AA or BS degree

    I have never had a job where a BSN nurse earned more than I did with an AASN (not including work experience). The associate is a great way to get started but a BSN will always benefit your long term career plans. I earned a BSPA in education and MS i...
  15. Masters in nursing education

    I think this is very positive. BSN and MSN programs generally do not focus on education yet get the jobs in in-service education and clinical nursing education. My BS was in education rather than a BSN and it eventually changed my career path for the...
  16. LPN to RN transition program available on "distance learning"

    The only distance program that I know of that accepts LPNs to RN is Excelsior College Excelsior College . There is another if you live or work in NJ. There has been a lot of postings in the online/distance ed threads about this. Proficiency exams are...
  17. In search of an answer...Thanks!

    I am not sure why your LPN program is not accredited and that may be a key. I can not imagine that a state board would allow students from an unaccredited school sit for boards (unless it is a new school and hasen't been around long enough to be accr...
  18. from med-surg to psych nursing

    Try it and if you don't like you can always go into something else. It doesn't hurt to try it and this will give a whole new perspective to nursing. I have been in different areas although psyc. was the longest (17 years). Psyc. does have its whole s...
  19. State Boards

    I am not positive, depends on your state, but I have never heard that you could take boards without the basic school stating that you graduated.
  20. Online classes, other ideas on obtaining an education??????

    Colleen, As far as the pre-reqs she can take them at a distance or online at hundreds of schools that offer online courses. Prices vary so she will have a lot of choices. She should make sure the school is accredited. She can search on the Web or use...
  21. Excelsior EMT'S

    The only program that I know of where EMTs can become an RN is Excelsior College (unless you live and work in NJ) . He could do it part time at a distance. There are people attending that I am sure will comment. All other distance programs require th...
  22. Excelsior Admission

    Good luck Kir. Sometimes the best news takes the longest to arrive. :balloons:
  23. distance programs

    I don't know of any distance LPN to RN program available except Excelsior College. Please be aware that advertisements like Rue and others are not the programs or the college at all, but merely provide study materials. Several companies advertise lik...
  24. So... just a basic MSN?

    MSNs are all specialized while BSNs are not. I don't know what is in your geographical area but there are a lot of distance and online MSN programs in a great variety of fields. I was surprised when doing the research for my book how the nursing educ...
  25. Teaching Speciality Degree or Certificate

    This is so similar to my background. I found out about a distance BSPS for nurses and one of the available concentrations was education (others were business, healthcare adm., and psychology). The notion was to give nurses tools that they needed to m...