

NICU PICU Peds Cardiology

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About Jarob747

Jarob747 specializes in NICU PICU Peds Cardiology.

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  1. NO! One mess up like that in the beginning of her school and she wants to be responsible for my family and friends life when and if she actually made it through nursing school,I DO NOT think so. Sorry, Like Daytonight says you never completely miss a...
  2. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

    Thank You, I was kind of leaning more towards Acute Pain as my #1 problem but really his abdominal pain on the day that i had him was gone he only had tenderness in his RUQ and the only pain that he really had was due to his irritated, red, raw botto...
  3. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

    Acute Abdominal Pain r/t unknown etiology
  4. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

    Yes I do now, but before no I guess i didn't realize that. I am not sure what to put as the etiology. My patient is not on O2 and his sats are WNL. i just have evidence of decreased O2 carrying capacity because he has low Hbg and all that other stuff...
  5. Please help w/first care plan

    I've been in your shoes before. Is her Resp 28? That is high normal range is 10-20/min. She is a smoker , on 2L O2 via NC, You may want to check out Ineffective Breathing Pattern. Always remember your ABC A Airway B Breathing C Circulation in priorit...
  6. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion

    I was wondering if I could use the NANDA Ineffective Tissue Perfusion for more than one specified type such as Renal due elevation in BUN/Creatinine ratio, Cardiopulmonary due to cap refill >3 sec and abnormal ABGs, and Gastrointestinal due to Abd...
  7. Hello... Anatomy and Phisiology, I can remember back thinking that it was sort of difficult. I barely studied and made As all thru my two years of prereqs. I had a 4.0 GPA. Now in my second year of Nursing School I would settle for a B because it is...