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About MsLoriRN

MsLoriRN has 25 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg; ER; ICU/CCU/SHU; PAR.

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  1. A Question to Nurses and Nursing Students.. HELP ME!

    Yes, you will get used to it. We all do, and we all have stories about our early reactions to "goo" in nursing. There will always be something that is tough to take, but you'll get through it with enough exposure to it. As for the responses that ...
  2. What is it REALLY like for new grads right now?

    Hi, Jamie! Just to encourage you, what you are seeing is, indeed, job cycling related to the extreme recession. Nursing has been through this before...I was caught in it as a new grad back in the early/mid-80's! It is complicated by the retirement...
  3. I've heard from hundreds of them. Among the most oft-asked questions I receive is this one: "I think I would like nursing, but I'm worried about my back...will I be able to take it physically?" In response to a question posted on this forum, I compos...
  4. Nursing and Back Problems

    Hi, I have many years of nursing under my belt, and have done so with a "tender back" for a number of them. My very worst years with back pain were when I was a student nurse, oddly enough! I believe it was because I didn't feel comfortable asking,...
  5. Some Help Please

    Well, it's difficult for any of us to say what you should or should not do, but here goes... First, finish your bachelor's degree. You're probably planning to do that anyway, so that one was easy! Second, it sounds like you have young children at ho...
  6. Help with deciding becoming a nurse or occupational therapist!

    Hello, You may want to check around to see how the OT profession is looking in this economy. For the vast majority of potential nursing students that I talk to, I do NOT recommend that you choose nursing because of perceived salary or security benef...
  7. Advice for prospective nurse...

    Hello, To answer your questions, most days I've loved being a nurse and some I wished I was doing anything else...doesn't that sound like every other career you could pick from? As for whether or not I recommend it, that depends entirely on you. I ...
  8. Student concerned about future...advice needed.

    Hello, I have a few thoughts for you: Have you thought much beyond getting out of nursing school and getting a job in the hospital? Is there some specific reason that you are planning to get your BSN? If you do not have a specific goal in mind in ...
  9. Hi Everyone - Considering Nursing, have some Q's

    I don't always discourage people from the LPN course, especially if they really understand what their likely role in nursing will be, but from what you just wrote I would advise you to research it carefully. If you like technology, and enjoy physiol...
  10. Hi Everyone - Considering Nursing, have some Q's

    Hi, I'm going to advise you a little differently that some of the other posts have. I don't know how long everyone else who responded has been in nursing, or if they are even nurses yet...nor do I know what your goals are. But simply from what you ...
  11. Mid-college crisis? or enlightenment?

    Hello, First may I say that I know exactly what you are going through! It took me 7 years to finish college, after changing my major 3 times and attending 3 different schools! I finally ended up with my BSN, and it was well worth it...I knew nursin...
  12. Will it matter that I have a non-nursing B.S.?

    Hi, You received a lot of tremendous responses...what a great forum! I don't have anything particularly earth-shattering to add, but I did want to tell you that when I read your question, something stood out to me: you ended with, "I just really wa...
  13. Do you think this is a good idea? ...

    hello, i can relate to what you're going through...i struggled with this also, but ultimately got through it with an "a." one person wrote that he/she tried to do chem during a condensed summer session and that it was a bad experience...i had no cho...
  14. Brand new nurse: Feeing lost

    OK, that helps. A couple of thoughts...first, every new nurse feels overwhelmed and underprepared. I think it's always a bit of a shock when you realize that nursing school doesn't make you an independent nurse when you get out. Nursing school teache...
  15. Considering a Career Change

    Hi, and welcome! These were all interesting posts...lots of IT people! I've talked with a number of folks who were right where you all are! I'm going to give you some ideas to chew on (to save your tongues!)... 1. Why is it that you want to go into...