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All Content by OKNurse2be

  1. Misogyny in Nursing

    I don't see it in all women. Of course I don't. Maybe it's just a hard topic for me to really get across how I really feel. I wasn't born and raised in the USA. I come from Norway, and I was bullied all through school, and mostly by girls, so maybe I...
  2. Misogyny in Nursing

    In a perfect world, women would all get along perfectly. There would be no backstabbing, cattiness, cliques, jealousy... you name it. Sadly, it's not a perfect world. If there is misogyny among women, then don't you think there might be a reason for ...
  3. Uncomfortable waistline

    while i can appreciate someone that would try to educate me on something, the way you came across felt like an attack. i am all for learning new things, like new words, so i found the word "misogyny" interesting to learn. however, i did not appreciat...
  4. I know this sounds crazy, but......

    I am not great at math myself. I particularly dislike algebra, but nursing math is easy. It's the same basic "formula" just plug in the numbers and there ya go. It is also something that gets easier with practice. The more you do it, the better you'l...
  5. car vs. motor scooter

    My husband rides a motorcycle back and forth to work every day, rain or shine, and even sometimes when it snows. It saves us a ton of money in gas. He has a scooter as well, but it's in for repairs at the moment, however the gas mileage on it is even...
  6. Looking for advice/direction

    First of all, thank you for your service to our country!! Secondly, if you really want to become a nurse, I would try to transfer credits to a nursing school first. It's an individual choice, but why waste time doing another associates when nursing i...
  7. .....and Other Days, You're The Statue | Life of A Nurse

    As a fresh nursing student with previous experience in retail, this article definitely makes me think. In retail, it is so true that we are supposed to act as if the customer is always right, even when they are wrong. The goal is to placate to the ex...
  8. Uncomfortable waistline

    i don't understand why misogyny is even an issue in reference to what i wrote. i was merely using what i wrote as an example as to what quite often happens in social context where women are in the majority.
  9. Uncomfortable waistline

    my misogyny. hmm had to look that word up, so thanks for teaching me a new word and i doubt that fits since i am in fact a woman and i don't hate women. i am just realistic in what happens when you slap a bunch of us together. the inevitable happens....
  10. Uncomfortable waistline

    I doubt they are sponsored by the brand, however it's probably more a case that they want to keep everyone looking "uniform." Also, if everyone has the same brand there is nobody who can gloat about being fancier than someone else etc. I know that's ...
  11. Uncomfortable waistline

    Yeah that is one of my things to consider, not solely for the purpose of not loosing my pants, but also because the material of the scrubs is a tad "scratchy." I may go with tighter t-shirts in lieu of a cami though. Adds a little more coverage for a...
  12. Question about med math classes

    Dimensional analysis is more like 65lbs x 1kg/2.2lbs x 1mg/kg You have ratios and proportions that tell you what your conversion factors are and you use them in your dimensional analysis. Like 1kg/2.2 lbs or 1kg/1000mg. I know how to use it, but not ...
  13. Uncomfortable waistline

    Ooh that is a good idea!! Thanks!!!!
  14. Uncomfortable waistline

    I tried on a few different sizes. I have to wear a tall, but in a medium which technically fit my waist, they were tight over the buttocks and my hips. The large was a tiny tad loose in the waist, but fit through the hips and buttocks without being b...
  15. Uncomfortable waistline

    Unfortunately, I know they do uniform checks at my school and other students ahead of me say they are strict about the brand. I am kind of nervous about sticking myself out there as being non-compliant with school rules. I will have to try tying it a...
  16. Since R E S P E C T is never a new or old issue, I will put my two cents in. In my life, I try to treat others, no matter who it is, with the same courtesy and respect that I would like to be treated with myself. I find that for the most part, it wor...
  17. "Loosing" my license

    I may be naive, seeing as how I am just beginning my nursing journey, but I kind of see RN license (or LPN license for that matter) kind of like a driving license. One follows the rules of the road, don't use excessive speed, don't drink and drive an...
  18. Am I asking for too much

    I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I am so sorry that happened to her. It's very sad to see people that are in LTC fall through the cracks due to under-staffing, and sometimes just pure negligence. I would have a talk with the DON and start look...
  19. Obamacare and Nursing.. what do you think?

    It's not socialistic in the purest form, but government is to a certain extent taking over by mandating that everyone carries health insurance. It's also got the general idea in there that everyone should pay for it, and I keep hearing the word "free...
  20. Am I asking for too much

    I am not a nurse yet, but I did have a family member in LTC for a long time, and I did see the working conditions for the nurses as well as how the patients were treated. I agree with you that it should not be too much to ask to have proper air venti...
  21. Chem 2 was not a pre-requisite for me. A&P and Chem together should be doable, just be prepared to study a lot. Doing Micro, A&P2 and Nutrition together would also be doable, but again.. be prepared to study your butt off. A lot of these scie...
  22. Fainting... so dramatic

    This incident didn't happen in a clinical setting, but rather in the check out lane at Target where I was working as a cashier a few years ago. As the lady was unloading her groceries, I noticed she was clearly pregnant, so in an attempt to make smal...
  23. Orientation(s)?

    My orientation is Aug 10th and it is ALL Day, from 9 am to about 5:30pm (I am figuring they factored in a break for lunch too). We will be filling out all the enrollment paperwork, signing forms, picking our Clinical instructors and probably go over ...
  24. Summer term students

    I am not taking nursing classes, but I am taking A&P2, and even though I love that class and it's my ONLY class, I am ready for a break. I know once Aug 20th rolls along I have to hit the ground running, because that is my first day of Nursing sc...
  25. I haven't started my ADN program yet, but I am big on planning ahead and seeing what is out there so that I can make educated decisions for myself. I live in Oklahoma, and I am currently accepted into a great ADN program at a community college here. ...