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About christie25

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  1. Thank you so much for this post I am a NEW LPN 1yr. at a LTC. most everyday I leave work I feel like I am not very good at my profession. I try very hard every night to get my meds passed, charts done and any procedures 3rd shift has to do. I try to ...
  2. Im proud to be an LPN !

    I am proud to be a new LPN. I passed my boards in Feb. I started my 1st job as a Nurse in Mar. When Will I Truely feel I deserve to be A Nurse. I am so scared I might do something wrong
  3. New LPN, this is HARD. Need advice.

    Thank you all for your advise. I am a new LPN. I just got my first job in LTC I had two nights training and now am on my own with 26 residents. It took me until 9pm to do my 4:30 meds the first night. My second night I finished sooner and did not ne...
  4. I had my fisrt test in anatomy today I bombed!!!!!!! HELP