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All Content by hobo1020

  1. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    Kdolphin I was at chiili's too and didn't realize who you were til now either. lol. I have shoulder length brown hair and was sitting in the middle across from you.
  2. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    Congratulations Hayley!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
  3. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I haven't got it yet. It says between the 13th and 28th, however I'm scared I wont get it at all. I figure we can have a pizza night with whoever has the dvd if it comes down to it. lol.
  4. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    yep, I so am going for a margarita tonight and some shopping. I'm a stress eater too. I've been good so far but if I give in I'll gain the whole 40 pounds before classes even start.
  5. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    Yeah...so.. the new vistas up and it says it will be unavailable until the first day of class. the 19th.
  6. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I meant *our quota*
  7. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I think Star and I have filled out quota this year. lol. I don't have the guts to call again yet. I'll call if we don't hear anything by tomorrow afternoon. :trc:
  8. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    a good website for the nesters is flylady.net
  9. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I started my "nursing nesting" right after orientation. I am so antsy I will do anything to keep my mind off that call or email tomorrow or tuesday. by the time we are done we should all be ready for a group yardsale and then we could buy a set of st...
  10. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I think it stars at 8:30 if it's your long day, 9 if it's your short day.
  11. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I don't think I gave a great interview. My responses to their questions were good but I'm worried that my nerves got the best of me. I don't feel any more confident being a Wellstar employee, but we should see how everything goes and hopefully know b...
  12. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    and the anxiety begins. I really hate the waiting part. lol.
  13. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I called. She said they would be reviewing them monday and she would probably respond by email.
  14. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I'm so proud of you Star! lol. So I guess they do that for tax reasons to show that they gave the money out. How odd. Okay now I want the scholarship REALLY bad. I guess it's my turn to call next.
  15. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I got the $3 one. it was a little over 7 with s&H. I am praying that it is the 2nd edition like we need. It doesn't give that information when you go to order it. So I am pretty much going on hope and can't answer that question exactly.
  16. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I meant if they are the same, lol. I know they both have the videos but I think the cdroms might have more on them too.
  17. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    my mosbys came with two sets, one dvd and one set of cd roms, I will check and see if they are exactly the same and if not you can have one of my sets. I would not buy them for that much money. I was also told you can rent textbooks. the person who t...
  18. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    Here's the link for the assessment dvd, from $3 used to $35 new. good grief! http://www.amazon.com/Kelleys-Interactive-Nursing-Assessment-CD-ROM/dp/0781777216/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1249606375&sr=1-1
  19. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    It was great to meet you all today!!
  20. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I live off 278 going towards Rockmart, so it's not really convenient unless you are going that way.
  21. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I will be at IHOP too! also I'm coming from Dallas if anyone wants to ride with me. I am bringing my netbook and a small notebook.
  22. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I don't want the scholarship. I just want the job. lol.
  23. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I will be at the IHOP at 8. are any of you on facebook. if you are message me and you can find me on there.
  24. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I'm still up for IHOP. Just let me know when!
  25. Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

    I had my interview this morning and the story is they are only taking up to 28 people in the scholars loan program. HOWEVER they will be taking 40 students at windy hill as a class. Also, I assumed it was a loan until you complete your three years wi...