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About AnthroGirl

I am a medical anthropologist studying the social context of pregnancy and childbirth

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  1. Nursing, midwifery, and patient/practitioner relations

    First off, let me send out a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has gotten involved in this thread. Your input is so thoughtful and interesting. Second, let me say that I am learning so much both about how some nurses may be feeling, but also that s...
  2. Nursing, midwifery, and patient/practitioner relations

    Thanks Romantic! I really do like Ina May Gaskin's work. Another great author is sociologist Barbara Katz Rothman. She has done a lot of work looking at how situations in a L&D setting are negotiated and how there is often a dissonance between...
  3. Nursing, midwifery, and patient/practitioner relations

    Midwife228, Thanks for responding to the rampling thread. I hope that you will share your thoughts, creating a research project/question has been really hard for me. Because I am so passionate about pregnancy and childbirth, gender equality, and na...
  4. Nursing, midwifery, and patient/practitioner relations

    "Hospitals ultimately benefit from high surgical rates (higher reimbursement) despite it being a public health nightmare. Litigation is out of control, mandating unreasonable safeguards and resulting in higher intervention. Many feel that if they don...
  5. Nursing, midwifery, and patient/practitioner relations

    FemmeRN, Thank you so much for your response! I too, am fascinated by the homebirth movement, for many of the same reasons. I think that it is a little like second-wave feminism, where the (and I hate this line) 'pendulum has swung' to the opposite...
  6. Good morning all, After months of lurking and reading hundreds of pages of posts I have decided to come out of the woodwork. I will start by saying that I love this website! I have learned more from the men and women posting on these discussion boa...