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All Content by JoblessRN

  1. it's very true.....there are jerks in all specialties and, conversely, very nice/courteous physicians in all specialties. however, i have found that some surgeons can be notoriously arrogant (i actually ran into a neurosurgeon yesterday who was one ...
  2. When do you think this hiring freeze will end?

    *So true*....and that just sickens me. :angryfire
  3. When do you think this hiring freeze will end?

    Not anytime soon, IMHO. That's just lovely for us new grads. Everyone I talk to keeps saying "things will pick up soon". Oh, really? When is soon?
  4. Job Market - New Graduates

    Started in May when I graduated.....
  5. I'm working TWO full time jobs, crazy??

    I thought (at least in my state) you are legally not allowed to work more than 60 hours/week.... Maybe I'm wrong or I misunterstood????
  6. broken hearted new grad

    hi broken, i am so so sorry to hear this. i am in your exact same spot (metaphorically and literally too! - i'm in the bay) and i truly feel you. i have applied to about 78 spots with no luck. i truly understand and feel your pain. i am so s...
  7. Thank goodness for UC Davis! They seem to be the only one willing to hire new grads! WE LOVE UC DAVIS!!!
  8. Job search for a new grad

    welcome to the jobless pool! i'm in your same spot...applied for about 74 positions this far. no luck. all i can say is keep applying to really can't be picky in this current market (unless you want to wait a year or two for your "...
  9. New grad had another job interview today....

    I would take whatever you can get right can get some experience and then still look for a full time position in the meantime. Congrats! You are very lucky!
  10. For those that did a Capstone/Senior practicum in Oncology/BMT, UC Davis has another posting: Job Title: Final Filing Date: New Grad / CN II Oncology/BMT 09/04/2009 Location: Main Hospital Hourly Reference: Salary Ranges: 025657 40.450000 53.360000 I...
  11. Where I live, as a new grad you are not eligible for Per Diem positions. Seems we aren't eligible for much these days.
  12. Having a Colectomy

    Did you get my PM?
  13. New RN & Frustrated

    Trust me, I feel your pain. It is beyond frustrating. I never expected to get my dream job right out of school, but I also didn't think I would be considering bankruptcy..... Hang in there.....I truly hope things turn around for us all. It's tru...
  14. New Grad Job Interview

    there is a good forum posted on this (sorry, i didn't try to find it yet....i just replied right away). some of the typical things might be: 1.) tell me why you went into nursing or tell me about yourself. 2.) tell me about a time when you used...
  15. Make it easier for new grads to get jobs.
  16. Let me be clear: THERE IS NO NURSING SHORTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so ****** OFF right now. There are literally thousands of new grads, like myself, who are struggling ALL OVER THE U.S. who can't find jobs for the life of them. This is absu...
  17. I'm not trying to be mean, but this is so off topic that I think you would be better off making your own thread to get answers.
  18. Did anyone get a response from their local news or Congresswoman/man? It seems that truly everyone could care less about us new grads!!!
  19. *groan* ugh. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?!?! :banghead: Oh, yeah....REEEAAAAALLLL nursing shortage we've got here in the U.S! (*tongue-in-cheek*) Reeeaaaallll nursing shortage. Or do new grads "not count" as nurses....? That's certainly what it fe...
  20. If i don't find a job im going to go insane!!!!!!!!

    Amen, chicquita...amen.
  21. List of CA State schools that are easier to get into

    i have to respectfully disagree. i have many nursing friends all over the country that are having just as hard of a time getting a job as i am. i had a friend that went to sfsu and she was a second degree student. they have some special branch that...
  22. FOR SURE my Capstone (last semester practicum) was the first time I actually FELT like a nurse!
  23. Are there nursing jobs or not?

    in my posts, i haven't been exaggerating. i have now applied to roughly 78 jobs - in state and out of state, med/surg, icu/er, private outpt office/sc and ltc, urban and suburban. i think i have a fairly decent resume, but maybe there is something ...
  24. Bringing nurses into Canada

    this post sounds a lot like the one i posted recently. i love, love, love canada (it sounds weird, but from a very young age i have always dreamed of being canadian - such a beautiful country)!! i could only dream of working there (i love vancouve...
  25. i hate to sound like a broken record, but all i can say is "i'm so sorry for your loss". i am so happy to hear that you and your family spent his last days laughing and thinking about the positive, happy times in his life. i think that's the best thi...