
tfleuter BSN, RN


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All Content by tfleuter

  1. Looking for some advice on Career Paths

    The great thing about nursing is that you can take it as far as you like. Perhaps in your situation it would be beneficial to go for your LPN first, and then if you think you would like to continue your education, then consider a LPN to RN bridge p...
  2. Fear of Blood and Needles

    I would think that more exposure would definately help, unless your reaction to it each time is really severe and more like a phobia. I think I would have had the same problem as you had I not had some exposure to it before hand. I used to work as ...
  3. How much is school costing you?

    For my BSN at a state university, in-state tuition, I figure it will cost me approximately $15K for tuition alone. Books I would estimate will be another $2k (if I had purchased them from the bookstore that is, lol!) and daycare is the biggest expen...
  4. Fear of Blood and Needles

    Any idea what exactly caused it? Was it just the actual sight of blood (as in, seeing a tramatic injury involving blood loss would cause the same problem) or is it the needle going into someones arm? I'm sure there have been nurses and nursing stud...
  5. Is it ever appropriate to tell someone...

    For the student who wrote her "want to be a nurse" paper from only a monetary aspect, I would have only made a comment on anything she wrote that was not necessarily true or not the whole story. Example, if she made some kind of comment like "my fri...
  6. Received grades for 1st semester...

    You should be very proud! What an awesome accomplishment! I know what you mean about not want to gloat in real life. I have a few friends who, while doing well enough in their classes, are not making A's and sometimes I just want to shout to the wo...
  7. I think it's pretty common to feel this way about college education in general with the system that we use now. I remember feeling the exact same way for microbiology, chemistry, A&P, ect. What I have found is that even though you don't remembe...
  8. Strong personality not good for Nursing?

    I don't like the term "strong personality." I've seen too many obnoxious, brain-to-mouth filter-lacking people use it as a way to excuse their behavior rather than own up to the fact that their way of speaking to people is abrasive and not always hel...
  9. Had it several weeks ago. No problems, not even a sore arm afterwards.
  10. confused new student

    Totally agree. There are quite a few 40+ students in my program and they seem to be doing fine. Times are tough right now for new grads; this won't always be the case and there's no reason to believe that this current trend will be a problem 2-3 ye...
  11. Tell me about nursing school... (again)

    It can, and has been done every which way you consider. There have been those who went through school with no kids and graduated. There have been those who started nursing school with kids already in tow and graduated. There are those who had no kids...
  12. 89.90! 1 tenth from an A :(

    I don't blame you one bit for being mad. It's situations like these that have a huge effect on the students, but what benefit is gained by the school? More people should really approach their chosen schools to find out the logic behind their higher s...
  13. Good points everyone! I would love to see a correlation between other factors: Do competitive schools that use gpa as the primary factor for selection tend to have higher retention rates throughout their program than less competitive schools who do n...
  14. 89.90! 1 tenth from an A :(

    All these different grading scales irk me too. What would really be fair to all students (not just nursing) is one accepted scale for all schools to follow. Heck, even just on a state-wide level would be wonderful. It sounds like no matter what, a...
  15. This woman is in her first semester as an instructor with this program, correct? Trust me, THIS is the time to address this issue, not later. She is in a vulnerable position. The other staff will be evaluating her performance to see if they really...
  16. Grading scale for Nusing school???

    That is the biggest crock I have ever heard of. Someone needs to look into that
  17. Even beyond just becoming a better nurse, I would think that experience would motivate me to get involved in some form of healthcare so that I could learn the knowledge I needed to protect myself! Look at how much you were able to do just from one m...
  18. Grading scale for Nusing school???

    Setting up a meeting is a good idea. It probably won't change their policy, but at the very least you can see their reason for picking the scale. I really don't understand some of these ridiculous scales that other people are posting. I can understa...
  19. Glad to hear that your mother had a good experience with her nurses! I'm still just a student, but I can imagine that some nurses are probably pretty good at putting up a front for their patients so they don't appear to be as stressed or frazzled as...
  20. You are truly an amazing person and I am so glad you were finally able to get the right diagnosis! You have so much to share with the nursing community and your patients will be blessed by being under your care :) :) :)
  21. Pathophsyiology I Anyone?

    Can't wait to take it this summer! I've been tempted to buy a patho study guide so I can skim through it, but I have spring classes to concentrate on first, lol!
  22. Double Majoring in Biology/Nursing?

    Interesting thought, sounds like a lot of work, lol! Any particular reason for this? I love biology and have toyed with the idea of taken some more advanced classes, but couldn't justify it for myself since I couldn't see how it would help me unles...
  23. here is a question for you

    Eh, I don't like any of those options, but mostly b/c our teachers never had "call the doc" as the correct response, lol! They always want us to consider what the nurse is able to do first.
  24. Moral of the Story

    Ouch! Tough lesson to learn, but fortunately it didn't have any major consquences, like failing! I almost did the same in my pharmacology class. At the beginning we were told we could write up and present a short summary of any article we could f...
  25. having a dog while in nursing school?

    I think another important thing to consider is the cost. I'm sure you already have a pretty good idea, since you already had Sophie and paid for her surgery. But really, dogs deserve good, regular healthcare too and far too many people don't put as...