

Pediatrics, ER

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All Content by NeoPediRN

  1. How honest are you?

    If I think they are going to get something out of the truth then I'll them if it's been a very long time and I can see the frustration building. If they're the type of patient to complain about the wait as there's a code going on right beside them in...
  2. NS at 125 ml/hr is not an ER order

    Where I work, some of the doctors will specifically order something other than what you ask for just to **** you off. The other night I asked for Zofran and morphine for my chole patient, and I got Reglan and Stadol.....STADOL! When I asked the docto...
  3. NS at 125 ml/hr is not an ER order

    You would've gotten a kick out of the orders the admitting doctor wrote for a stable new onset afib patient the other night. NS @ 60ml/ eating and drinking fine. I asked him if it was necessary and he said "yes, I find that they're always b...
  4. Incentive Spirometery

    Pinwheels usually work well!
  5. Happier at work than at home?

    Yes because I'm a hypochondriac and as soon as I leave my mind races with all the terrible things that are wrong with me and my imaginary symptoms start creeping up on me. I'm so busy at work I don't have time to think about it. I know that sounds cr...
  6. Are you doing this at work?

    Giving nebs: yes unless it's a vented pt Drawing own labs: only when starting an IV Starting your own iv's: yes Running own blood gasses: no, RT does Cleaning own rooms: yes we all pitch in since we usually have one tech Walking pt to radiology, CT e...
  7. I'm not sure if what I experience is normal or not. Over the past few years I've had a hard time staying awake in general behind the wheel if I'm driving for longer than 1/2 hour - 45 minutes. During the day it's easier, but even if I get a good nigh...
  8. Hey guys! I recently started in the ER and was put on late nights (9p-9a). I talked with my nurse manager (love her) a few days ago and starting next week I'll be orienting to 3p-3a. That is a PERFECT shift for me and I couldn't be happier. I just ca...
  9. random ED interview question i got asked

    For those who said they'd treat the infection last, the JC will eat you alive. Catching sepsis early in the ER is key now. Fever over 100.4 with tachycardia is criteria enough to initiate a rapid sepsis protocol. OP, there isn't enough to make an in...
  10. Criteria for Giving IV BP Meds?

    Labetolol IV is the drug of choice for asympomatic hypertension in my ER. We typically do treat profound hypertension. Sometimes it doesn't click in the provider's mind to order something, but if you ask they usually have no problem writing for a med...
  11. Hi BSN, I'm sorry your experience was subpar. We have UMB nursing students on my unit and it is quite clear how lost they are. The instructor is a flake and I feel very sorry for the students. It seems very scattered.
  12. Intraosseous Infusions- anyone using it yet?

    We see IOs all the time where i work. If there's a code and the patient doesn't have clear attainable access EMS will throw in an IO. We use them on pedi codes often for rapid access. Everywhere I work has a 24 hour max policy before another form of ...
  13. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    I do not get vaccinated and do not work for organizations that mandate flu vaccines. No thank you for me!
  14. Can you help me??

    I forgot this was agency. Sorry. You can expect between $40-45/hour.
  15. IV Certification in Mass

    I don't know of any formal IV certification other than PICC lines. Being certified to start IVs means you have completed the minimum # of IV starts needed to be deemed competent to start them independently. Most hospitals train on the job.
  16. Salary of Nurses and NPs in Salem, MA

    North Shore Children's Hospital is part of Salem Hospital. They moved it to the next building over but it's still the same entity. The two together are NSMC. Shaugnessy Kaplan is not an acute care hospital, its LTAC/rehab.
  17. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    I find it so interesting that people consider getting the flu shot to be a "patient safety issue." I can think of a lot more pressing issues than injecting yourself with a strain of flu that the other part of the world had six months before.
  18. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    That's quite the coincidence.
  19. Mandated Flu vaccine?

    I did back in 2009. The slogan was "Flu shot or mask." You couldn't just sign a waiver if you didn't want the flu shot, you had to have a medical reason why you couldn't have it. Anyone who was not able to get the shot had to wear a mask from Septemb...
  20. Boston Medical Center and New Grads

    3 words....aint. gonna. happen. Sorry, can't even be optimistic about it anymore BMC is laying off.
  21. The happy policy

    Sweet! Go in with a sourpuss on everyday and you'll get out early. Sounds good to me. I'm guessing no one will actually enforce this since there'd be NO NURSES LEFT TO TAKE CARE OF THE PATIENTS!!!!
  22. Test your PEDS critical care knowledge

    Is that deficit enough to contribute to such profound compensation values? What about sodium chloride replacement, either via fluid or PNG? The pt's sodium was borderline, too. The bicarb is high on ABG, but what about giving a dose and see what happ...
  23. Test your PEDS critical care knowledge

    JanF - quick question. It sounds like more ventilation was what this baby needed, no doubt. Were her pressures high on the vent? Did they increase her RR on the vent to help blow off the CO2, and if so did it help? It's hard to know what we're treati...
  24. Any recent LTC able to switch to Acute?

    No it's not. There are even less hospitals out there than in the Boston/metro area.
  25. Test your PEDS critical care knowledge

    We use pulmozyme to break up secretions, especially on ex preemies with BPD and kids with neuromuscular disorders with a weak, ineffective cough who aren't candidates for cough assist. My guess for this kiddo would be to help break up secretions that...