

Pediatrics, ER

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All Content by NeoPediRN

  1. When to start CPAP vs. blow by 02 vs. PPV?

    In an emergency situation, PPV is your best friend. A baby does NOT need to be apneic before you start PPV. Decreased O2 sats with color change and bradycardia = too late. CPAP is a form of PPV. In an emergency, you hand bag the baby. If the heart ra...
  2. Med/surg new grad positions

    $26/hour with a raise in 90 days and a 50 cent or $1/hour BSN differential.
  3. Mission accomplished..... RN CEN CCRN status

    Congratulations on being a robot.
  4. Dartmouth-Hitchcock NRP... any news???

    Silver, Dartmouth Hitchcock is in New Hampshire :)
  5. Test Your Neonatal Critical Care Knowledge

    Salt wasting disorder of some kind, guessing hypoaldosteronism secondary to something like CAH? In which aggressive rehydration and steroids are necessary.
  6. Frustrated with the floor

    Truly, I'm very thankful to have worked in places with (for the most part) appropriate staffing ratios. I honestly don't know what I'd do if it came down to a choice between putting my nursing license in danger day after day risking my future income ...
  7. Frustrated with the floor

    In that case Wooh...oh hi unemployment, it's so nice to see you. And HI intact nursing license, I was worried I wouldn't see you again there for a minute...
  8. Frustrated with the floor

    I'd file with Safe Harbor for that kind of ratio...many post op patients end up needing a close eye for 24 hours because of I/O balance, pain management, and way you can be effective with 10 patients. Nothing will happen if people ...
  9. Sure you can call the neurosurgeon at 3am for that. You know why? It will be your ass he'll ream the next day when he rounds on the patient who complains to him that he was up all night with terrible heartburn and the nurse said she couldn't call him...
  10. which shift 3pm-3:30 AM or 11AM-11:00PM

    I love both equally. They fly and you usually see the best cases during those times!
  11. Dear, we need to talk...about us...

    Absolutely do not talk to your manager about this...wait for a job to open and apply, then talk to your manager about it...politics plays too big a part to risk it these days.
  12. I'm SN, but I Can't Handle The Other Students

    I'm pretty sure this is just a snark post, meant to be a joke. OP gives away clues the more he posts, and his comments are more outrageous with each post. He's just looking for a rise, let's not give him one.
  13. Is 'scope of practice' not taught in school?

    Hi Kids, I graduated in 2008 and we were not taught scope of practice during school. It was always deferred as "look at your facility's scope of practice" or "make sure you know your scope of practice for the state you'll be practicing in."
  14. No, never. You do not splint pneumonia, there is already compromised oxygenation through the lung. A child laying on their affected side may have difficulty keeping their O2 sats up.
  15. You want to position a child on the opposite side from the affected lung, because if you lay them down on that side you are causing further collapse and less air can move through. Laying a child with the affected side up makes it easier for air to mo...
  16. Oxygen levels possibly hurt pt?!

    SamIAm, no, you had nothing to do with his death. If he had that high oxygen requirements then his sats probably drop into the 60s regularly just from moving around once there is strain on his heart. Being on 100% O2 is toxic, he was very clearly dec...
  17. NRP certification online?

    Bortaz, you are a NICU nurse though and very familiar with NRP. This is someone who doesn't have a neonatal background and I'm thinking they may feel a little lost without that classroom experience.
  18. NRP certification online?

    You want to NRP in's one of those courses you can't get value of without being present for it.
  19. Mickey buttons and lansoprazole capsules

    Try mixing it with warm cranberry juice.
  20. Medication shortages?

    What Esme said. Right now we are critically short on Ativan, Zofran, Propofol, Morphine 2mg and Compazine.
  21. Calling all peds/ER nurses RE: Tylenol dosage

    15mg/kg. I have never given a hepatotoxic dose of Tylenol, nor would I.
  22. New Grad Contract

    Don't do it. There's a reason they're trying to force you to sign a contract that puts you at a disadvantage. I strongly recommending looking into the hospital, the turnover, talking to staff. And if it's Beverly Hospital or Kindred Hospital, RUN.
  23. What "qualifies" a patient to be admitted to ICU

    We almost never admit for ETOH...300-400+ blood levels everyday and they sleep it off in the ED and go on their merry way....not even IVF many times.
  24. 7p-7a or 3p-3a...any insight?

    3p-3a is the best shift ever. The entire shift flies, you can be up by noon and still have gotten a full night's sleep, and you have time to run errands before work. I've worked both and would do 3p-3a over 7p-7a in a second.
  25. Wanttoknow, please show me your source that states the % of abdominal pain is higher acuity than that of a vaginal bleed. I'm guessing you don't work in an ED because there simply is NOT enough information to effectively answer that triage question. ...