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About ICU_nurse

ICU_nurse has 5 years experience.

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  1. Flight Nurse Book Called Trauma Junkie

    Just finished reading it, absolutely loved it. I'd heard of it years ago and stuck it on my "to read list" but never got round to it. Recently spotted it on my friend's bookcase and decided to sneak...
  2. Vents = 1:1 CRRT = 1:1 BiPap = 1:1 HDU = 1:2 I don't know how it is safe to have anything more than 1:1 ratios for critically ill patients. To those that work under conditions like that I take my hat...
  3. Interview Advice

    Good luck for your interview Beth! The questions I'm about to post may or may not be useful- I'm not familiar with how things are done in the US, but these are pretty stock-standard questions used in...
  4. interview dress code....

    Smart casual is always the way to go with interviews. Nice top, plain coloured slacks and covered in shoes (heels or flats, whatever you're more comfy in). From there, if you like you can add a vest,...
  5. Would you call a code/MET on a pt. who is a complete DNR?

    In regards to the original question of would I call a MET/RR on a patient who is NFR/NFI? Yes. Just because a patient has been documented as not for resus/intuabtion/icu/inotropes/whatever esle,...
  6. Would you call a code/MET on a pt. who is a complete DNR?

    This is known as the "doctrine of double effect". A very interesting concept in law and ethics; doing something good that may in turn cause something bad, is ok to do if the bad outcome/side effect...
  7. Step one?

    Just forwarding on information as is current on the website. No need to be disrespectful. Glad my help was
  8. us rn needing info about nz, oz

    Then I'd check on the requirements for your visa first then
  9. Blood transfusions??? just say no...

    "just get someone else to do it". Not a great attitude to take into the nursing profession... It's sometimes not that easy to "just get someone else to do it for you". Your colleagues will be just as...
  10. Blood transfusions??? just say no...

    I find your question really interesting. I like how you already realise that certain areas of nursing are going to be "poor choices" as you put them. Good on you for taking it seriously and trying to...
  11. Step one?

    Hello lsid. Hope this can give you some direction! 1. Start the registration process (and start it early!). Give yourself a good 9-12 months (being generous) to get your registration sorted. As...
  12. us rn needing info about nz, oz

    Australia has recently changed from state nursing boards, to a single National Regsitration Board. There are 5 Criterion that you must meet to gain Australian Registration. AHPRA (our board) has a...
  13. ICU nursing Australia vs The US

    Hello there. I'm an RN working in ICU for the last 4 years. Hope I can answer afew of your questions 1. How similar is ICU nursing between the two countries? That I can't answer because I've never...
  14. Any thoughts on Iguana, Urbane or Dickies Scrubs?

    I (personally) love Landau just because the cut looks smart and fits well (we wear navy scrubs, thank goodness cos I really hate patterned ones!). I have one top in the Urbane range which i don't like...
  15. thrift shop scrubs?

    Nothing wrong in my opinion about buying uniforms (or clothes in general!) from an op-shop. They get washed before they get put on the shelf, you'll wash them when you get them home, so they're just...