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All Content by gcupid

  1. Is nursing for me ?

    Is nursing for me? Nursing is not for anyone the way the working conditions are set up.
  2. Nursing is not what it is made out to be..

    this is disgusting to hear that bullying is still rampant in the nursing culture of work.
  3. Treating Respiratory Failure With Ativan/Lorazapam

    I am not an IcU nurse at all but I will speak from my experience. Doctor did the right thing in my eyes. It's ICU. All of the resources are right there to manage her care. You posted that ativan is contraindicated for individuals in severe resp fa...
  4. Unsafe doctor...do I report it?

    How recent was this episode? I'd only report this if I was also willing to report myself as well. You knowingly decided to not speak up during a crucial time. Why the high horse now? Write the incident up as the author as well as one of the folk n...
  5. Auditing falls .. where to begin?

    Is the cause always preventable? No. In my experience, most falls have a contributing, controlling factor which is really annoying to me as well. Sesame street, The word for today is "Staffing."
  6. Unsafe ICU ratios

    refuse to accept report on any additional patient. if all the nurses stick together it will work. Start calling and reporting to news broadcastings of how unsafe etc.
  7. What is the compalint?

    you are practicing medicine
  8. How many would love nursing if?

    that is crazy
  9. I have experienced working on different floors at various hospitals throughout my career. I have finally found a hospital that is okay and I often look forward to working my shifts which is rare given my history of abuse experienced while working in...
  10. Does any NP regret becoming one

    Hi, there are many posts of RNs career regret. I wonder does any NP regret becoming one and if so, what do you wish you would have pursued?
  11. Cops and Nurses

    Special Comradery My black @!* was in scrubs and got asked. Sir, have you been drinking? Are you doing drugs? etc. On more than one occasion.
  12. Nurses Humilated - Illinois

    Do you believe that the program was a good sensitivity training program? If so, please stay out of management.
  13. Nurses Humilated - Illinois

    :laugh: this is hilarious... I draw the line at placing a c-collar on me and banging the bed/stretcher into objects on purpose to prove a point. Do they really believe nurses do these things on purpose or for entertainment? I wonder who initiated t...
  14. Is money everything in this profession?

    i never took an oath and yes money is everything in this profession. Everything is business, bottom line and cut throat when it comes to the dealing and treatment towards nurses.
  15. Bedside report - hate it? Like it? Love it?

    i dislike bedside report but it's another thing added to the list of bs thats required. I try not to take anything personally. Nowadays i think to myself, Just have the correct dollar amount directly deposited into my account.
  16. 15 minutes to give report + no time clock

    So what can be done to change this????
  17. Do RNs get extra pay for working with students?

    worked at many facilities. Never been offered extra pay.
  18. Nurses expecting to do too much!

    If you can find the doctor. If the doctor will return a page or answer the phone. I am busy trying to make sure this elderly lady doesnt get up and fall out of bed bc of the refusal for an order restraint and sitter. Everything is simple until yo...
  19. Nurses expecting to do too much!

    We are NURSES! Why is it our responsibility to manage doctors and perform write ups? Medicine is a different discipline than nursing. There should be a management team member performing those write ups, audits and reporting. Many nurses don't even g...
  20. Nurses expecting to do too much!

    But should nurses be held liable if the physician isn't reminded to order these things? What is our (nurses) job description? X*!@) Bleep, bleep, bleep!!! Bc it pretty sures seems like anything else no one else wants to do, make it the nurses respon...
  21. NP Salary vs. RN salary

    Being a middle aged white male may be the worst things you can be for grants but statistically it's proven to be the best thing to be in many other important areas in life. From job opportunities to getting better deals on loans and avoiding many ot...
  22. Threatened by patient

    I totally had the same thought process behind the cause of the charge not wanting to escalate the patient again but if i was charge security would have come before that shift ended just to make sure that the patient realizes that there is some type o...
  23. PTSD after losing a patient?

    I believe it is possible to experience a very mild form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from losing a patient. I felt like I had this experience at one time. I was watching Grey's Anatomy after experiencing a code recently and I began to start br...