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All Content by PMHNP10

  1. How is school going so far?

    wow...a C is passing at your grad school? I thought B's were standard minimum in all grad schools; lucky you; up unitl this class, all I've made are A's; but this is a special class...bleh as for study...I'm absolutely serious when I say I did 4+ hr...
  2. Psychiatric NP outlook

    it's all about supply and demand; In Houston there are approximately 17 (or is it 25) PMHNPs; Houston is one of the largest cities in the US and so the number of psych folks is way low, esp. when compared with FNPs or ANPs (I'd guess there are 100s);...
  3. dating someone with schizophrenia

    I think many have been saying to procede with caution and that there are different levels of disease progression/categories. I'll add just a bit more. According to your profile, you are 20. If your bf is similarly aged, and has been Dx'd schizoph...
  4. How is school going so far?

    well, another day, another test, another failed PE/DD exam. and once again, it wasn't for lack of effort or understanding of the material on my part; fortunately I failed by an even slimmer margin; class average popped up a fraction of a point from ...
  5. need help comparing states

    oh, 1 other thing; in 2006 (I think) the National Council for the State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) released a vision statement; in short, they want all state nursing boards to change their rules regarding advanced practice nurses to make them independ...
  6. need help comparing states

    when you mention autonomy and prescriptive rights, you can look up The Pearson Report. Every year, Linda Pearson lists each state and who regulates the practice (i.e., nursing or nursing and medicine); if you have trouble finding it (which you should...
  7. NCLEX: How many times is enough?

    I was thinking about posting this question earlier, but decided not to post until I read a thread dealing with the topic. So what do y'all think? If a person hasn't passed the test by the nth time (you change the "n"), should they give it up becaus...
  8. RN husband addicted to opiates

    That's simply not accurate. I will agree that either one of us can find anecdotal examples where they have/have not worked (e. g., the Kurt Cobain tragedy); and you might even be able to find evidence based research indicating they aren't all that s...
  9. Best way to ask out a patient

    So I ask again, given that you think it's ethical to date a recent patient you provided care for, how is it that if you ask it is not ethical, but her asking makes it ok? I truly don't see how shifting around who asked who changes the ethics in this...
  10. Best way to ask out a patient

    hmmmm...interesting thread with all the defensiveness and biting comments so CRNATOB...I think it's clear you will hook up with this girl; I'm not here to say you should/shouldn't because it wouldn't matter if I did, anywho; but I'm curious; why does...
  11. How is school going so far?

    Although I just officially started the NP program, I had already taken a few MSN level courses--theory, research, sadistics, and patho, which I earned A's in all. Well on Wednesday, October 1st, we took our first PE/DD exam. Avg grade was a 70, so ...
  12. My friend withdrew from the program.

    Absolutely reasonable given all the time you've invested in attempting to help her get to the program. I hope you don't feel like you kinda failed because of her decision to quit. It would be very understandable if that were the case, but rest assu...
  13. My friend withdrew from the program.

    It's hard to say without hearing why she quit and a bit more about her. Perhaps she is young and immature? Or perhaps she allowed someone else to deflate her drive? Is there a financial situation? Did she have 1, 2, 20 bad clinical experience(s)?...
  14. NCLEX: How many times is enough?

    Wow...nice little discussion here. Thank you all for participating. So here are some thoughts. If I'm not mistaken, in TX, you have 3 tries. If you don't do it by then you have to take it in another state. Perhaps I'm wrong all together or pe...
  15. Hostility towards diabetics

    We express frustration because they are often very noncompliant in spite of the fact that we as health care providers know they will lose appendages, quality of life, length of life, etc. More often than not, they are in the hospital because we perce...
  16. Less than forthright recruiter

    so maybe speak with his supervisor to express your concerns?
  17. Less than forthright recruiter

    I have a tendency to believe in 2nd chances, but he failed to disclose a couple key elements. However, I'm wondering about this "stipend". Is it tax free? And if so, how does it work that you get it if you aren't traveling and assuming added livin...
  18. Although this MB is for entertainment and educational purposes, it is a business aeb the premium memberships and popups/ads. Nothing wrong with it, because after all, we live in a capitalistic society. The originator is hoping to make money (and is...
  19. NP by state or USA?

    what you pulled was from Oct. 2007; and I said TX was a part of the compact as supported by the remainder of the quote above, which is what I was saying...I agree with implementation, though; IA are indep. practitioners; also, I believe they can Rx s...
  20. NP by state or USA?

    unlike RN licensure, there are only 3 states that are a part of the compact for NPs--TX, UT, and IA (as of 2007); in part, the reason for this is that the scope of practice for each state is different, depending on what certifications they acknowledg...
  21. Meth users and abusers

    thank I mentioned, we've never done studies on meth; I suspect that's because it's not as prominent in the beltway area of Houston; I've heard it is more of a problem in North Houston and outlying areas, though; the other reason we haven't i...
  22. Meth users and abusers

    did the research specifically say it was worse than other drugs? could you point me in the direction of your research? I'm in substance abuse research, but my clinic focuses more on cocaine and opiates than any other drugs (although i know we've do...
  23. Meth users and abusers

    I guess it'd depend what you mean when you say "destructive"--on an individual basis? on a societal basis? It really is way too complicated of an issue to simplify by saying drug X is more/less dangerous than drug Y for example, although nicotine is...
  24. Worried about my background!!!!!!!

    We can't really give you too much advice except to tell you to check with your BON, because they are the ultimate authority and not try to hide it from the BON when you start to apply for testing/licensure. Good Luck
  25. Meth users and abusers

    I understand and can appreciate your disdain for substance abuse, but I don't know that I'd classify them in a hierarchy. All of them lead to the ruin of lives, families and friendships. One isn't necessarily more/less efficient at doing so than an...