Bug Out

Bug Out BSN


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About Bug Out

Bug Out is a BSN and specializes in VA-BC, CRNI.

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  1. Life Changes

    I remember your posts from many, many years ago. I always appreciated your insights and pithy comments, you will be remembered and missed.
  2. Safer staffing? Your wish is my command.

    Agreed. Hospitals bear a significant amount of guilt. The problem though is that they are doing what the system wants them to do and hospitals simply remind our elected officials of that. If our elected officials actually cared about staffing a...
  3. Safer staffing? Your wish is my command.

    There are good reasons why the DRGs were introduced in the early 80's and why nursing was lumped into the bed rate. Control expense. A way to control cost was to provide facilities incentives to control staffing by providing a single base rate ...
  4. Home health work from nurses home?

    I never did it from my home but maybe 20% of my patients would want to meet somewhere more convenient than their home or cleaner or whatever. I have performed services in offices, schools, and even parking lots. I could see performing services in my ...
  5. Safer staffing? Your wish is my command.

    Everyone supports safe staffing until the legislatures have to find the funding for it.
  6. what class or text book for CRNI test

    You will definitely want the INS Standards of Practice. I read the Infusion Therapy textbook which helped. There are a couple different CRNI study DVDs/CDs as well. 70% of my studying was done with a DVD that I listened to in the car.
  7. I was trained through our local INS chapter. Lynn Hadaway offers a course and I believe many of the major vascular access consultants offer courses. I have heard of people going through local training as well through their radiology depar...
  8. Is being an NP worth it?

    My SO is a manager at an insurance company and I work for a company that services hospitals. We both work from home. I have generally found that working within a clinical organization, an organization that primarily receives funding from the governme...
  9. Dressing documentation

    Ah, makes sense. Typically falsifying records involves the deliberate or intentional altering of records, not mistakes. Mistakes happen. I am sure you know this but this is where documenting on the actual dressing can help prevent misunderstand...
  10. Dressing documentation

    Assess the dressing, does it look like it was just changed? What is the risk/benefit to changing or maintaining the dressing? Since you did not document the dressing and are doubting yourself it isn't your word versus the patient's, it's just the p...
  11. Is being an NP worth it?

    I think a question you first have to ask yourself is what do you want out of your career and how much you prioritize things like fulfillment, income, financial stability, etc? On a very basic level consider the income difference and how long it ...
  12. Paid for drive time?

    I typically would be paid mileage if the patient was outside of the typical range (typically greater than 30 miles).
  13. Studying for VA-BC

    The VA-BC is a pretty simple test so as long as you work in vascular access right now. Keep in mind that it is supposed to be an interdisciplinary certification so much of it is practical knowledge. There are several VA-BC study note cards avai...
  14. Question on confidentiality and HIPAA

    The rules on who is and is not on the care team are much looser than what you are imagining. You were speaking to someone about the care of the patient seeking professional advice, that is 100% permitted. The spirit of HIPAA is to prevent gossi...
  15. Remote RN positions

    Both my wife and I work remotely. I would recommend looking at insurance companies and then going through the supply room and med room and writing down all of the brands you see and search their websites for positions. For some of these positio...