

OB, lactation

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All Content by mitchsmom

  1. Thanks for all the feedback! We need to get with it :)
  2. Collecting fFN without speculum?

    Our rep told us you could do it without a speculum too (and we do). But it is interesting that the website doesn't say that. I wonder if it's an update that the site hasn't relfected or ???
  3. Precipitous Second Stage Question

    My last precip went from 4cm- birth in about 10 minutes with no pushing. The last part was so fast that we weren't even properly gloved and I did a one-handed 'guide the baby onto the bed' move! The MD took forever to come on in and then had the nerv...
  4. Postpartum admission criteria

    Preeclampsia can happen postpartum up to 6 weeks according to the Preeclampsia Foundation: I love their website by the way! Everyone should check it out!
  5. Time: in room to epidural?

    I'd say between 1-1.5 hrs., usually. Our anesthesiologists require 2 liters bolus... so that takes time. I think it's ridiculous, since it seems like no one else uses this much. I'd be curious to see if there is any evidence for it. Occasionally some...
  6. Funny OB things people say

    Good one, I'll have to remember it. :)
  7. STABLE exam

    I just did the STABLE course with two of my peers who have 25-30 years experience each and we all enjoyed it. We do work in a community hospital and frequently have to stabilize babies for transfer. But the lady that taught the course works at a maj...
  8. Can you be a Lactation Consultant but not RN?

    Hi Rhonda, I'm an IBCLC, maybe I can help a little bit. I got my IBCLC hours through being a lay breastfeeding group leader. (I also started nursing school during that time, but became an IBCLC before I finished nursing school - I am now working as a...
  9. Vag exams..

    If I'm not sure I've found it I get someone to check behind me. But usually if I slow down and take my time I find it (hard to do when you feel bad for the patient because she is uncomfortable). Even though I do get people to check behind me sometime...
  10. OB Nurses: How was your first year?

    Did you work in Ante, L&D, PP, or nursery? Our unit was an LDRP until last April; now I do ante, L&D, pp when someone is on mag sulfate and occasionally float to regular PP Did you have previous nursing experience? no How long was your orient...
  11. Licensed Practical Nurse in the Delivery Room?

    No LPN's on our L&D unit (I don't think they do it at all in FL, but someone tell me if I'm wrong). We have a few in postpartum. If you are able, my opinion is to just go straight for RN if you are interested in a nursing career (or BSN for that ...
  12. Are they still using Cytotec?

    We use cytotec all the time & never cervidil - I was told because of the cost.
  13. Your personal delivery experience- what happened

    With my first, at 38+0 wks I started having menstrual-type cramps in the morning. I called the MD when they were 5 mins apart (that evening) as instructed. Went to the hospital, nitrazined positive for scant leaking I was having, was at 1 or 2cms. Wa...
  14. report sheets

    I just uploaded my cheat sheet under the thread "brain sheet for postpartum/antepartum please post" (my sheet is mostly for L&D but I do all of them) I use parts of the S.T.A.B.L.E. self-assessment/evaluation form (it's really meant for evaluatin...
  15. brain sheet for postpartum/antepartum please post

    I just totally re-did my cheat/kardex type sheet, here it is :) It's a Word document and has a lot of stuff that I have to put in our computer program, but it can be edited however you want. CheatsheetGeneric10-17-07.doc
  16. Can dilation reverse?

    Without going into the whole story of why I'm asking, can dilation shrink? *LOLOL* or can the baby go back up if mom lies down, and the cervix close back around it? If you have seen this, and think it can, by how much do you think? Any incredib...
  17. Just wondering how much fluid bolus you are required to get in before anesthesia will do an epidural on your unit? (We do 2000mL) Thx in advance! :)
  18. Does your ob unit provide you with scrubs?

    We can wear surgical scrubs from the hospital or our own.
  19. Do nurses collect cord blood?

    We only collect it if a birth is nurse attended (the MD doesn't make it in time). I have never had a family collect it for storage or donation, just medical providers getting it for regular lab work (baby blood typing, etc.). I donated mine with my ...
  20. How to become a lactation sonsultant?

    No, you don't have to have a higher degree. However, less education = more experience hours needed in breastfeeding work. See the IBLCE website for the details. Best wishes!
  21. Just curious as mine doesn't do any ER time.
  22. sterile gloves

    No sterile gloves for newborn baby care. If I'm baby nurse in a section, I use them only because I approach the doc's sterile field for the baby hand-off.
  23. on-call practices and compensation

    We have to do 24 hrs q 2weeks - $2/h, time & half if we come in.
  24. brain sheet for postpartum/antepartum please post

    I have actually revised it again but it's on my other computer that is not functioning at the moment... I'll try to remember to post it when/if I can :)
  25. Who consents for the underage where you work?? long

    In Florida, a minor can consent to medical care related to pregnancy but is not necessarily considered emancipated just because they are pregnant or have a child. Here's a little pamphlet about emancipation in FL: