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All Content by Eleven011

  1. tick tock....1 more sleep

    Just have to make it through today!!! Elementary classroom parties and MS/HS "mandatory" fun day. Hopefully will go by fast!!!
  2. Wearing hoods inside your building.

    Hoods are not allowed to be worn up in side the school. That being said... I don't know if its a regional thing or all across the globe, but teens now a days (jeez i feel old) seem to hate all things coat-like. We have pretty low temps all winter ...
  3. How many "school sleeps" until Holiday break?

    5 as well. Out at 2pm on the 20th! Back on Jan 6th.
  4. End of First semester

    Ya, my office size has tripled, went from 1 cot to 3 (with privacy curtains), cupboards galore, private bathroom, separate office - I don't know what to do with myself ?
  5. End of First semester

    Yes, I am having my Behind-iest year also! We moved into our new school this fall and so I have spent alot of time getting organzied (and really just enjoying all the room!) I'm done with immunizations, ordered P&G supplies (we do this in the ...
  6. pg site

    Thank you!! Just got my order in!
  7. Happy Thanksgiving

    I'll be here Monday and Tuesday also! Happy Thanksgiving and hope everyone enjoys their time off!!
  8. Letter to teachers re: cleaning classroom

    My teachers are pretty OCD about cleaning their rooms, especially this time of year. In most rooms, part of the end of the day routine is passing around the bottle of wipes and each student wipes off their own desk. Our janitors are awesome also...
  9. Flu is CRAZY

    According to my latest report, there are only 19 cases in my whole state. *knock on wood*
  10. How to help coughing student?

    I've had them gargle with warm salt water for both coughs and sore throats. Also push the hydration. But that's about all I got.
  11. Staff/faculty

    I frequently have staff stopping in for temp checks, throat/ear checks, blood pressures, bandaids, etc. I don't mind helping them if I'm not really busy, it goes along ways in building a good rapport so when I need something from them, they are usu...
  12. Do you keep clinic door open?

    I have a newly built office this year and its a similar set up. I have my main door into the hallway which I keep open except when I'm on lunch. Then there is a door that opens into the staff workroom and beyond that, the office. I usually keep ...
  13. Prepping for School Nurse Job Search

    I was working at my current school as the librarian (I had kind of stepped away from nursing) but also subbed for the school nurse too. When she retired, they offered me the position. I only know two nurses who held this job before me and they w...
  14. Who gets the backpack

    Unless the student is actively throwing up, or too ill to walk safely alone, the routine is that they walk back to their classroom, gather their backpack and coat, tell their teacher they are leaving, and then return to my office to wait. If they ca...
  15. What is your late pick up policy?

    Wow, that's nuts. There is no one at our school at 6pm! I would say after 45 min/1 hour after dismissal, if no contact can be made with parents or contacts, our admin would be calling police and the child would go with them. However, this is a ...
  16. Donors Choose - Have You Done One?

    Here is a pic of the goodies I got from Donor's Chose!
  17. Volunteering

    At first, I was thinking - Yes, I get asked all the time. But then I realized you were talking about being asked because you were STAFF. We have a very active PTSA (and other organizations too) and they put out calls for help a lot for fundraiser...
  18. How long was your training for school nursing?

    I was hired over summer break, so the outgoing nurse came in for 3 hours and showed me the behind the scenes stuff. I had been a sub for her previously, so I knew the day to day stuff. Still had to figure out quite a bit on my own.
  19. How many?

    1 school, (PreK - 12), 600 students, I'm the only nurse, no aides.
  20. Donors Choose - Have You Done One?

    I posted a project to be funded at the beginning of the school year and it just got funded! Yay! To be honest, I never considered it until our school encouraged us to when they heard that the Gates Foundation would be funding projects. So I put ...
  21. First weather related closing of the year

    I'm in the midwest and we had a blizzard come through last week. We got an early dismissal on the 10th, and no school on the 11th. Earliest I ever remember a snow day! Its all melted though now thankfully!
  22. Down time (HA, sure...)

    I usually carry some personal stuff around in my purse for down time. I meal plan/do grocery list, work on our budget/pay bills, do some internet bargain hunting around the holidays (gottadeal.com), do college research for the kids.
  23. Holiday Decor

    I have some window clings up for fall. My treat bucket gets changed out to a pumpkin. For Christmas I do a little more. I have a little tree I put up, more window clings and hang some garland around the office.
  24. FMLA/Maternity Summer? Question!

    Our contracts run for the whole year, not a 9 month time span, so here yes, if staff give birth in July, they'd be ok taking their 3 months and coming back in October.
  25. School Nurse Salary?

    Here it is!