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About Guest321574

Guest321574 has 5 years experience.


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  1. Life after 4510...

    I still think it's more writing than even a 15wk course, nevermind the time factor. Again, I've never written 4 papers in one regular length class... Given I've already paid for it, I'm going to try...
  2. Life after 4510...

    *sigh* :-(
  3. Life after 4510...

    Thanks for the reply... So does that mean that all (or most) of the classes have a paper due for 4 out of 5 weeks? I can understand one or two, but 4 papers in a 5wk class seems like overkill. I have...
  4. Life after 4510...

    Please tell me that the writing load gets easier after 4510. Even just hearing that it gets slightly better would help. I simply cannot write a 3-4 page paper every week for the next
  5. RNC in Maternal/Newborn Nursing

    Hey Glamgal, welcome back, do you remember me? Sorry I can't answer your question, I just think it's funny, because I'm here looking up the same info, on the RNC process. I'm coming up on 1yr in...
  6. IV fluids during labor

    I'm new (4months into orientation) to L&D. Coming from a short stint in med/surg (everything on a pump) and psych (what are iv's?) I was kind of in shock to see everyone running stuff to...
  7. Maybe you guys can answer this.... (Kind of long, sorry!)

    The stringy description could just have been from the blood mixed with the fertile cervical mucous, since it resembles egg whites, and "stretches." Perhaps she was having her period, and it caught...
  8. Psychiatric nursing... do you really lose all your nursing skills?

    You will lose some "skills" as others have said, but you will gain many others that will translate well to the ER. Thinking and acting quickly in an emergency, is a big one that I can think of. Time...
  9. Main Line Health does not require BSN for experienced nurses. I was hired there last month, with no BSN. Was told in the interview that it will possibly be a future requirement, so I should be...
  10. I hear ya, me too! If you can find an email address, you can send your resume/interest letter that way. Or if you just have a name, sometimes you can puzzle out the email address, just by looking at...
  11. Try expressing your interest to managers directly, not just HR. Usually HR ends up as a hindrance as they have so many apps to sift through. Though you will eventually have to go through HR, the...
  12. Air in IV line

    Thanks, that makes sense. And regarding rational/rationale that was a typo, or perhaps my phone auto-corrected without my noticing. I swear I can spell!
  13. Air in IV line

    I've had trouble similar to the OP, and generally the air sets the pump off. So that would mean the bubbles are significant right? Also what is the rational for not aspirating in these cases? That...
  14. Really sad :(

    This. I totally can relate to your what you are saying. After working as an aide in L&D in school, I wasn't able to secure a position on the unit, and ended up taking a position in psych 5 mo...
  15. From ED to Mom Baby or L+D

    I was lucky to get hired with "other experience." One (the job I'm taking) was mainly because I already had an established relationship with the manager. But the other job I got purely out of the...