

MPH Student Fall/14, Emergency, Research

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All Content by flyingchange

  1. entering RPN vs RN ??????

    The are HTML code, but you don't need HTML to post on a forum. All the answers you seek are easily found with the search bar :)
  2. Giving Injections/Shots

    We all got an opportunity to practice one Sc and one IM injection on a buddy (optional of course) before doing our first ones in clinical.That first time, I heard ringing in my ears and the walls closed in a little bit. I was fine after that. Glad I...
  3. Alberta Health Services -- Let's Empty Emergency!!!

    I heard that they plan to implement over-capacity protocols 24/7. The level of bandaidery boggles me. As if we keep patients in emerg because we want to. What this means, also, is more people discharged from emerg who borderline-should-be admitted......
  4. Can I pull it off? Live on own/work/school

    I've done it for 7 years of university, have very good grades, and significant but not unmanageable student loans. Chances are, you'll find a likely roommate in nursing school, and a classmate is often the best choice because he or she will know exac...
  5. Labour and baby-catching in a small ER

    So the other day we had a young lady present to triage with all-over abd pain, coming in waves, and she was 35 wks pregnant with her first pregnancy. You can see where this is going.Our facility is a very small Emerg. Basically if anything really eme...
  6. Feeling depressed with new job as a nurse...

    Check out some of the research by Judy Boychuck Duchscher. She has done many studies on New Nurse Transition. Maybe having a look at some of her models of Transition Theory or Transition Shock will help you decide if you are going through a "normal" ...
  7. Entry to practice competencies- COMPETENCY #80

    Back to your original question, I believe "relational knowledge" means using your knowledge of the patient through your relationship with him/her to promote health. Similar to relational practice. For instance, in Dishes' example, through the nurse-...
  8. externship question

    Get the experience in your specialty of choice. You can never network too much! My externship was just supposed to be for the summer, but they liked me and are keeping me per diem up to and after I graduate. It would be very easy to get a line there ...
  9. CRNE coming to a computer near you Well that's good news, although too late for me... In this day and age, a 6 week wait for exam results is ridiculous. One good thing about NCLEX, I guess, and it sounds...
  10. sponge in ear

    I think you can thank Douglas Adams for that.....
  11. Hi there, I too returned to post-secondary after a period of international travel. I can't answer your questions about Quebec, but in Alberta, the entry average is very high to get into nursing. I had all my senior level courses with average marks an...
  12. Just when you thought you'd heard it all

    Looks like a needleless syringe flush to me.... Good old photo ops
  13. Sunnybrook hospital: emerge! help!

    Sunnybrook has a trauma documentary show that is quite good, if painfully MD-centric. At least it would give you an idea of the facility and vague team dynamic. Congrats and good luck!
  14. Had a family come in to the ER last night. Their little boy (~3yo) got ahold of the pot of boiling water on the stove. Clear 2nd degree burns to (I'd say) at least 30% of the inside of his arm. Little guy had dark skin, but the burn basically sloughe...
  15. I'm graduating in April 2012 as well. Just wanted to suggest that Nursing The Future might have a wealth of information for you in that regard. I'm not sure if they have a chapter in SK, but as an organization they do address new grad transitions int...
  16. TO ALL ER NURSES!!!!

    The RNAO makes a great app for best practice guidelines for everything under the sun. It is quite inexpensive as well.
  17. Patients' "home remedies"? What have you seen

    Holy cow! That is really interesting. I figured it had to be a cultural thing, yes they were African-Canadian. Thanks for calling up your grandma
  18. LPN to orthopaedic technician

    I work with some ortho techs in the ER. They are indispensable - they know so much and they often order x-rays before the MD sees the patient. In our ER they don't have a patient assignment so they are free to just do their thing.
  19. Last semester of NS, hired as ED Tech, what to expect?

    srobb11, I am in a similar position. I work alongside the nurses in a quasi-nurse kind of role, so my experience may differ from yours, but basically I have a few defined jobs... - helping at triage to reassess pts in the waiting room, run stat ECGs,...
  20. U of A after-degree vs Grant Mac 4 year - any advice?

    No judgement here! I will be nearly 30 when I graduate. If you search the threads here you will see some opinions on both programs. In a nutshell I have heard only good things about Grant MacEwan's lecture-based program, and only bad things about the...
  21. Starting nursing program next month.... am I ready?

    Stay on top of your readings. A lot of times profs will start their first lectures assuming you've already done the first reading. It's pretty much impossible to catch up once you're more than a few days behind. Then, to make your life easier come te...
  22. Scrubs - what do you wear?

    I love koi scrubs and usually am wearing a set. I have the same top in 2 colors which have colorful sequins sewn onto them here and there. When I wear these, not a day goes by that someone doesn't mention how cool and unique my scrubs are. My other k...
  23. I am in an emergency externship. At my interview, they asked questions like: - why do you want to work in emergency - what skills are you comfortable with & which do you need practice - tell me about a mistake you made and how you handled it - te...
  24. We were taught to draw off the foley port, using a sterile syringe, after alcohol swabbing it. In the words of my clinical instructor, "the fresher the better"; i.e. clear the tube as best you can, clamp it off below the port, and then draw when new ...
  25. Hi everyone, An order yesterday read to give Toradol 30mg and Morphine 10mg IM to a pt in narcotic withdrawal. He was a tough pt so I consulted the Charge RN on how to best admin these meds. She told me that they were not compatible meds so I should ...