

MPH Student Fall/14, Emergency, Research

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All Content by flyingchange

  1. Does anyone like night shift?

    +1 for nights! The best crew, the best food, and the more amusing/challenging patient presentations (depending on which night of the week)
  2. CC of dry mouth, arrived via EMS...
  3. Student - first Nursing Care plan

    Hi Jules, Welcome to nursing, where 4 answers on a multiple choice question are right but there is only one that's the most right. If you think about this case as an acute disease exacerbation, activity intolerance is actually secondary to excess flu...
  4. You are! (Although Lovenox is also first-line tx for known or suspected PE in my ED, and 9/10 times PE is not a crisis but something to be treated within 24 hours) I didn't reply just to say that though. I wanted to mention that I am very impressed ...
  5. Is it conceivable ?

    Not related to your post content, but this is what came to mind with the thread title: Now back to your regularly scheduled conversation... Good luck with your decision! :)
  6. Grant Macewan JAN 2013

    Yes, that's how it works. The U of A goes with admission average only. Grant Mac takes the first XXX number of people who apply that meet the admission criteria.
  7. Is Nursing as Stressful as Nursing School?

    Working as a nurse doesn't consume my entire life the way being a student did. So in that sense, it is less stressful. I go home and enjoy my life after work.
  8. Calgary or Edmonton?

    Joanna, I found the Cross to be a really great place to work. The staff camaraderie is unlike anywhere else - everyone takes breaks together, from NAs to MDs. There are also lots of opportunities for education. I don't work there anymore because I ha...
  9. Do you give back-rubs and foot baths to your patients?

    I've done it. One patient who had been lying awake with cancer pain for a couple of days fell asleep and didn't need a PRN med until the morning. I don't find it awkward at all, but those patients were all shocked when I offered it.
  10. First day of Nursing School..

    I used Notability throughout my 4th year. It is a great little app. Also check out iProcrastinate - I wish I had it for my entire program. It seriously saved my butt and kept me on top of everything :) Good luck in school and I hope the enthusiasm pe...
  11. I Love My Job!

    I am about 800 hours in to my first RN position as an emergency nurse. While I was working late last night and juggling 5 patients of moderate acuity including a ETOH withdraw, a ?perfed ERCP, a PE, a chemical splash to eyes, and a renal colic. Betwe...
  12. Help! My piggyback won't run!

    Silly question, but you did hang the primary bag lower than the piggyback, right? I backprime everything. Way easier. If I fill up the drip chamber too much, I invert the bag and squeeze the drip chamber. There's usually enough air in the bag to fix ...
  13. THC causes cell death. Very interesting

    My personal opinion is that marijuana provides symptom relief for many people with chronic disease with low/no side effects, but it is cheap and can't be patented, so big pharma is motivated to maintain the prohibition for their own benefit.
  14. Clinical Skills for Canadian Rn's

    Hello, RNs basically work to full scope of practice in my hospital (ED). You can find a copy of the Alberta RN scope of practice at this link, hope it helps!
  15. Rate to run blood?

    Hi Kaeli, all of our blood products have the exact mL on the bag, which varies from unit to unit. It is in small print and not very obvious, so maybe you just didn't notice it before?
  16. The Fifteen

    Beautiful story. I completed my preceptorship in Oncology. It was the hardest place I've worked, and also extremely rewarding.
  17. Assessing the hyperglycemic patient

    Thank you all SO MUCH for the background info and great tips on assessing these patients. I feel like I have a much-improved understanding of initial interventions, especially things I didn't even consider like ECG for potential K+ imbalances. I love...
  18. Assessing the hyperglycemic patient

    Hi all, I'm a new grad in emerg. Today was my first day on the floor with my own patient load. I had a pt admitted with critically high blood glucose level. Pt was known IDDM x 11 years with an insulin pump. Normally her glucose is well controlled. F...
  19. Nurse hopeful... Possible roadblocks?

    Also suggest you contact the BON. You were a minor, and minors do all kinds of silly things. I would be floored if a misdemeanor like pot possession precluded you from contributing to society through a great career. Best of luck!
  20. And He Will Die...

    Thank you for this article. I completed my preceptorship in Oncology and one of the hardest things was explaining to my peers was the toll of being the strong nurse, even when the death was expected or welcomed.
  21. School Nurse...and More!

    I always wondered if school nurses end up caring for the staff as much as they care for the students!
  22. S#!% Nursing Students Say

    Our grad committee put this great video together and played it at our graduation party. The entire room was laughing hysterically - I think they nailed it :) Hope you guys can enjoy and relate! [video=youtube_share;_AwWsbTdXgs]
  23. Nurse Next Door?

    Anyone worked for them? What was your experience like? Is it skilled nursing care only, or do you do other things like cook meals and housekeeping? Is the pay competitive? I've done live-in caregiving before as a PSW, and I'm not sure that I want to ...
  24. AUPE - LPN Contract is Up

    When I was a UNE I was mandated as supernumerary - I am surprised and confused that they are allowed to fill nurse shifts on your unit! I hope this issue gets addressed in your next contract.
  25. Immunizations and being a nurse

    OP, I'd suggest contacting CARNA (our professional licensing body) for the official answer. You should also contact the school you'd like to attend for their policy.