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About SJSU_Mami

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  1. Need Help Figuring Out Commute!!

    It will take you at least 40 minutes to get from downtown to Esco. Traffic sucks both ways especially on 163. I would either work closer to downtown or live closer to north county.. it will be a...
  2. I did the Versant program at LPCH. It was 6 months long. Overall I liked the time spent on the unit and felt supported. The classes were boring and not evry effective. Clinical time is what...
  3. Stanford and UCSF??

    What units are you interested in? If you like peds, nicu, maternity, etc. I can give you some info about Stanford's Children's hospital where I
  4. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    Lucile Packard jobs: Our pay: That's our union website.. scroll down to pay scale. My orientation in the NICU was 22 weeks.. I love my job.. doing well on...
  5. lucille packard

    I actually live in San Jose.. I plan to move closer to work either in Santa Clara or on the east bay in Newark next year. It is too expensive for me to live in Palo Alto but it is a very nice area....
  6. How in the world do you make it in CA?

    I grew up in Socal, and went to school and now work and live in Norcal. The cost of living is expensive in both places but I get paid 10.00 more up here so decided not to move back home. I think its...
  7. lucille packard

    I'm currently in Packard's 22 week training program for the NICU. Its a great place to work and I never plan on leaving! I love working here.. They have a new program again in July and will probably...
  8. Congrats, RN! You don't need that question mark at the end of your screen name anymore! I too recently passed with 265 questions. It took me 4 terrible hours to complete it, and I don't even recall...
  9. I passed!!!

    Congrats!! Good for you!
  10. Just took my boards....

    Yay for PICURN!! :balloons:
  11. Just took my boards....

    Yay! Congrats to you and me!! I just got my results this morning, after only 3 days too!! :balloons: This is
  12. So I called the CA BON...

    Hmm. Maybe I should call the BRN to see if my file is complete. Our school of nursing warned us about university administration goofing up on sending final transcripts so they send one as well for...
  13. For those who took NCLEX in CA...

    Knowing that you had practice test scores in the 50s makes me feel better.. I'm hoping I see my name show up on the brn website pretty soon! Congratulations on getting your license!
  14. Just took my boards....

    Sorry you feel this way. I took the boards the same day you did, with 265 questions. I'm waiting too, but let's try to distract ourselves! Go out this weekend! Don't assume anything yet.. the way...
  15. My mind is made up...2/24 is the day!!

    I wish you the best.. we will be waiting together! Taking the NCLEX isn't fun.. Sorry about how you felt about the experience. I'll see you at orientation monday!