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About longbow.shelly

I'm blessed to have a 3.5 year old daughter named Hanna and a strapping tank of a little boy named George 1.5 y.o.! Married 12 years to a super husband, Ron. I am a 12-year Army veteran, now civilian.

Latest Activity

  1. Need advice--possibly failing orientation

    That's horrible! To me it seems like your "team" didn't support you in your learning curve time. I worked at a hospital that had a policy of eliminating the ZERO FAULT OR FIRED standard, which gave nurses opportunity to learn, opportunity to ask fo...
  2. Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    ***DING***DING***DING***DING*** I was chuckling when I read this. I know exactly what you mean. When an educator/clinical instructor shows up on the floor, it may not be on your radar as a nurse. It's not like they announce to all the nurses who...
  3. June 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    Stan was still confused by the distinction between the floor's nurse "ANESTHETIST" and the nurse "AESTHETICIAN!!!"
  4. June 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    "Which nurse volunteered me for your in-service?"
  5. June 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    It was all fun and games before the Mock JC inspectors walked around the corner and caught Jenny without her safety goggles on!!!
  6. June 2016 Caption Contest. Win $100!

    "Thank heavens this isn't a Urology procedure!"
  7. UMB prerequisites, help please!

    I had some goofy grades from 20 years ago but they were still RIGHT THERE on my transcript when I applied. My GPA when I applied was 3.82 for the college where I graduated from, 3.0 overall on graduation day with the bad 20-year old grades, and for ...
  8. University of Maryland CNL Accepted Students Fall 2010

    Hahahahah! FreakingoutAHHHH....You'll have to change your allnurses.com name to "FreakingINyaaaaay!" Congratulations! Hurray for you! Can't wait to meet you! Shelly:yeah::yeah::yeah:
  9. University of Maryland CNL Accepted Students Fall 2010

    HEY, YA'LL! NURS 507 class presentations and reading files are available for download on Blackboard if you log in! Get to it! Yay! (I haven't see anything besides this class there yet, though) Everyone ready?
  10. LOL! Exlnt!!!! (Excellent, for those text challenged folks) Here's my take : It's good to be highly discerning and critical when it comes to saving lives and making important decisions. But I think being so "Type A" that you have to knock on othe...
  11. What are you doing to get ready???

    WHOAH! Looks like I'm already behind! Let me go and get my act together!
  12. Yes. Is this something that faculty finds "admirable?" ~~~Being the teacher that no one can learn from? How is this a virtue on a resume? All teaching and learning styles aside, it's the teacher's responsibility to TEACH. It's the student's resp...
  13. My learning experience...just to share

    LOL! Hall of Shame! Oh, I can't wait! LOL!
  14. My learning experience...just to share

    WOW! You are absolutely RIGHT! It IS hard to refocus after being sliced to bits. I mean, all that snapping is terribly distracting and invasive to the learning curve! I'm going to file this away under my "ADMIRABLE BEHAVIOR" section of my mind,...
  15. Pharmacology Math Website

    Awesome! I love it when people post resources! This is excellent team work! Right on!