

Hospital - Home Health - Public Health -

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About datnurse

datnurse has 23 years experience and specializes in Hospital - Home Health - Public Health -.

REtired women's Healthcare Nurse Practitioner - worked largely in MCH in USA, Belize and Kosovo

Latest Activity

  1. A Break in Her Cycle

    Thanks! :-) I see your speciality is 'veins' - me? I can't satrt an IV to save my soul! Merry Christmas!
  2. I hate nursing

    Here's some advice from an old gramma and nurse - BAIL OUT NOW - Life is simply too too short to spend it doing something you don't enjoy and if you don't stand up to those who are presuring you to stick with it now then you are setting yourself up f...
  3. A Break in Her Cycle

    "Before we start to worry, let's talk", I reply then query about her menstrual history: Last menses 7 weeks agoFirst menses - age 13Irregular 28-39 day cycle5-day menses - moderate flow"missed" menses twice a yearAnd take her sexual history: Single l...
  4. Nursing Around the World

    I'm a nurse/writer putting together a book proposal about nursing around the world. I'd love to hear about your work. Is there a way I can contact you or vice versa without our getting into trouble with the 'webmaster'? Thanks! datnurse:nurse: