

intensive care, recovery, anesthetics

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All Content by 5cats

  1. Have you tried elsewhere in the States? The country is big, New York is not the only place...reason I ask, I would never ever recommend getting a nursing education in a different country than the country you intend to practice. No matter the costs, d...
  2. Euthanasia Bill (Canada)

    It's high time to discuss death as a part of the life circle, especially in a country where people who are in the process of dying still have full code status, and some ignorant relatives insist on that and where doctors have no backbone to say no! 5...
  3. NEED HELP! Nurse with Eligibility in Canada

    As Silverdragon allready suggested you should really read the threads that are discussing immigrating and working in Canada, your questions are all answered there. And I actually would appreciate if you could write in proper english like you instead ...
  4. Canadian wanting to write the NCLEX

    Forget Montana, you will need a SSN for that one, you could try North Dakota, they want a background check though, but otherwise it looks ok (it's a compact state) 5cats
  5. Reasons for a profession in nursing

    We have colour codes for staff, that's in SK. Why are you asking that? And I agree your reasons are very common:) 5cats
  6. Canadian wanting to write the NCLEX

    If you don't mind endorsing later look at less popular states, like the dakotas, montana etc, once you meet requirements the processing there should be quicker, but I think I would look for one who requires CES , just because that is good for most st...
  7. I did some years ago and your score tells me that you have to work on your general english skills, I only looked in the books what to expect but didn't have to do any review or anything, and I scored high. Don't retake the test until you are ready. 5...
  8. Australia versus New Zealand

    Not for the FBi, but for the state and canadian immigration wants both. 5cats
  9. What to do after SEC assessment?

    You're welcome. 5cats
  10. Australia versus New Zealand

    You need a valid SSN, at least in the state of California to get one. 5cats
  11. Australia versus New Zealand

  12. Whats the process?

    know the language, get licensed (might need to write exam, for instance in Canada) get employer, get work permit 5cats
  13. Bonafied Approved Credential Evaluation Service

    Allways check with the board of nursing what they accept (often they only accept certain agencies), plus if you need visa screen (most do) you'll need CGFNS eventually. 5cats
  14. Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program applicants

    You need to read the link! 5cats
  15. Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program applicants

    Please inform yourself more carefully, you have to work first in Saskatchewan to qualify, so no way for processing from the Philippines. 5cats
  16. To be frank, when reading your posts, not sure why you are moving at all, you seem to have a good job that you like. And i don't get your plans, where do you want to get the Bachelor? Regarding SK to be brutal mainly we need bedside nurses with exper...
  17. NEED HELP! Nurse with Eligibility in Canada

    It's much easier to write CRNE in the province where you applied, register and then transfer I think. 5cats
  18. Nursing overseas is very different from nursing in the US, you will feel like you suddenly know nothing. And as a new grad actually you don't know much, sorry:) So it's better to use what they taught you in school in the system for what you were pre...
  19. Get some experience in the States first, maybe a big hospital, why not moving in the States (country is big enough, lol), get your experience, study foreign languages (because you will need those, plenty of non english speaking countries, like Germa...
  20. Is current U.K. RGN qualification enough for U.S.A?

    It is beautyful if you don't mind not having mountains. Great colours, land of the living skies says it all. Even here rather south of the province. originally I'm german, but used to live in Switzerland and in UK for the last years. 5cats
  21. Is current U.K. RGN qualification enough for U.S.A?

    I'm in Canada, Saskatchewan:) Still on work permit, working on my permanent residency. 5cats
  22. Is current U.K. RGN qualification enough for U.S.A?

    yes, your thinking is right, you will lack those hours and have to make them up (theory and practical), if you have dual citizenship it might be the easiest to do that in the States at a college. 5cats
  23. Re: Filipino RN's about to take CRNE exam

    Yep, we are very keen getting nurses from Alberta and watching the situation! 5cats
  24. Australia versus New Zealand

    He's stating his age at 22 SD. For immigration you need a police clearance from countries where you lived, that's where I see the problems. For your New Zealand idea, you need to contact the nursing council and see if you can transfer credits and if ...
  25. What to do after SEC assessment?

    For websites and info look at the FAQ on top of the threads, for books: You should know code of ethics (availabale from CNA or BC College of Nursing), scope of practice in BC and a med surg textbook preferable a canadian one, look at amazon (I forgo...