

intensive care, recovery, anesthetics

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All Content by 5cats

  1. Scope of Practice of RPN/RN

    Very much depends on the province. 5cats
  2. Nova Scotia Nursing Registration

    What a strange comment, sorry, but I get registered where I plan to work and live and not where it's easier and cheaper..... 5cats
  3. Austria

    If you speak german, what you will need, there's a german forum with some useful infos http://www.krankenschwester.de/forum 5cats
  4. Moving from UK to the US?

    I would finish the training in the UK, so you at least have one finished education and a degree. What you could do then is getting your education assessed to see what's missing and go from there. 5cats
  5. In my area we are only looking for specialists (ICU, ER and OR) or for rural facilities mainly LTC/nursing homes. And since Alberta is our neighbor province we are expecting applicants form there.
  6. I focused only on the guide and the supplements, due to lack of time and I passed. But I also do have plenty of experience, so that did help as well. 5cats
  7. RN without SSN or work permit

    I hope you guys are aware that this post is a year old by now, and that the OP went home, or so she/he claimed. 5cats
  8. Requirements to re-locate to B.C.?

    I actually would contact the college in BC to make sure that your accelerated program is accepted, because I'm not sure if it is, so you won't waste money. good luck 5cats
  9. Working in Germany

    Midwifery is strictly regulated in Germany and you have to be a midwife to assist with births, also your german need to be pretty fluent to be able to get your education evaluated and to pass the requirements and work. Where are you planning to move?...
  10. Alberta Health Services

    yep, and the centralized intake office doesn't seem to be very fast with their assessments...... I hope nobody here in SK gets funny ideas too,....but we still have positions open. 5cats
  11. To the OP, what do you want? It's not your sister it's YOU, right? Since the tourist visa route is nonsense and illegal do you have the money and wish to study without any guarantee that you can stay afterwards. Or do you have the necessary experienc...
  12. CRNE 7th october

    How do you know that you failed?? 5cats
  13. Reciprocity to Maryland

    I kinda wonder, if that job they offered to you, ever existed.I always thought with the H1B the specific job has to be there for you, if it doesn't exist anymore, is your H1B still valid? And plus, how could they offer that job to you, if you were ne...
  14. sounds fishy, double naming for the position, either you are a caregiver, then you wouldn't be working in a hospital or you are a staff nurse, but then you need to be registered, strict timing for phonecalls.....paying upfront, they can promise a l...
  15. Happy Thanksgiving

    Thank you and to you all, had to work all nights... Snow oh yes, we have snow since a week now. 5cats
  16. CRNE preparation advices needed

    you can only work as a Grad Nurse when you are eligible to take CRNE, and depending on the province only so long. If you have the money not to work for a while, good for you. 5cats
  17. Norway need new nurses

    Someone was concerned about the income compared to cost of living there, but what I heard from nurses working there, the income is good. It's just the language that's left:) 5cats
  18. NEED HELP! Nurse with Eligibility in Canada

    Oops, so it's the other way round, I apologize:) Thanks for that janfrn With more straightforward I only mean, the papers or most of them are allready there (in Canada), just to clarify that. And exam is done. 5cats
  19. NEED HELP! Nurse with Eligibility in Canada

    Once you passed CRNE and are registered, you can apply as an out of province applicant. They will assess your application and then you see. I would imagine it's a bit more straightforward when you are allready registered in Canada somewhere, but it s...
  20. sponsor a nurse

    Those days are long gone, since the end of 2006 to be exact, there are no visas for several years. Look for a job in your homecountry or elsewhere. 5cats
  21. Successful Saskatchewan applicant

    You should arrange employment before you arrive, and that you can do on your own, no need for an agency at all. Don't know about your work experience, the more the better, if you are willing to go rural or LTC or have one the the demand jobs, your ch...
  22. Successful Saskatchewan applicant

    Just wonder why you want to use an agency? Costs for the medical is not that much what's the advantage using the agency? 5cats
  23. CRNE 7th october

    Focus on the CNA guide this is the closest to the real thing that you can get. 5cats
  24. Indeed it does look that you will be treated like an out of province applicant, what would mean, no exam for you. Have you emailed that person from the college and asked her (link is on the CLPNA site)? 5cats
  25. options after graduation

    For many positions experience is an entry requirement, other options as stated before are very limited. Bedsite nurses are still the ones that are mostly needed. If you don't like nursing go a different route, nothing wrong with it. 5cats