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About rjglbws

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  1. rnsg 1172 at lonestar college???

    I had it at Kingwood. It was pretty much just vital signs and proper body mechanics when assisting patients in/out of bed and turning/moving patient up in bed with pull sheets. Also, I think that we learned how to properly make a bed. :yeah:Congratu...
  2. CPR Class in Houston

    She does CPR classes for health casre providers. Heisler Solutions, Inc. Phone: 713-826-0197 Fax: 281-360-6183 Email: [email protected] Heisler Solutions Inc. CPR, AED, First Aid Classes in Houston
  3. gestational diabetes questions

    what is the standard in your area before insulin therapy is recommended...... fasting level? 1-hour postprandial? 2-hour postprandial? is the 2-hour postprandial glucose level more significant than the 1-hour postprandial glucose level? how many elev...
  4. Kingwood hopefuls

    Let's get to know our prospective fellow classmates for Spring 2007. 1.How many points are you applying with? 11.68 2.Tell a little about yourself. I am a married 31 yr old mother of two with a lil one who is due in August.