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All Content by smartin13

  1. I work at a very large and extreamly busy hospital, so to get a routine colonoscopy may be a wait so I would go to a facility closer to my house that isnt as busy. However if I was ever seriously injured you bet I'd be at my facility.
  2. Where Do Nursing Students Work?

    I work in a hospital, and yes they hire clerks part time here. There are a ton of options. Some only work weekends some work a few nights a week some just pick up shifts. I am not actually a clerk I work in an office taking transfers from outside ...
  3. What to do ? I think im BEYOND Screwed :(

    If your grades were really that bad from your previous school why not start from scratch, it may be the best choice since it can be difficult to get into nursing programs with great grades yet alone some that you aren't so happy about. Also for your...
  4. We do not do IV's on each other but we do give "shots" to each other for practice. Our instructors have told us that this will probably be going away in the future due to new legislation however.
  5. CPR Question: Rescue Breaths

    I just recertified CPR on Friday we were taught to do the rescue breaths, because as gomer42 said they will still get some oxygen. They also told us that if we didn't have a mask then we should not give breaths (although this is a personal choice) a...
  6. No gifts from the Drs???

    In my department we recieved a basket of fruit from the Dr's, a tray of cookies from the cardiac cath lab, two boxes of cookies from the medical residents and numerous cards from other departments and dr. Do we expect this no, do we enjoy the though...
  7. Nursing schools with SANE policies

    I attend a nursing school in Cincinnati. If you get below a 75 you are out and can not come back until the same quarter the next year. You only get one chance to re-do the quarter and it is not a given that you will be let back in, you have to peti...
  8. what to do for a year before nursing school?

    I worked more and took a few classes that would transfer to my BSN.
  9. *Weird* Patient Allergies

    I think my grandmother takes the cake. She literally can only eat 7 things, potatoes, apples, bananas, some kind of beef (I'm not sure which kind), peas, green beans, and water that has been distilled, boiled and the condensed steam collected to dri...
  10. well they closed down a floor of the hospital

    In our hospital we see a large drop in census during the holidays, the supervisors however try to keep every floor with at least 8 pt, even if they are off service, so that no one closes. We are the level 1 trauma center in the city so we stay stedy...
  11. latex allergy and nursing school

    The school I got to is latex free, a girl in my class is allergic. The hospital I work in also does not use latex gloves. I don't think you will have a problem. Let your instructors know, and if they don't have non latex gloves you can always purc...
  12. Tattoos and piercings

    For clinicals we are only allowed to have one earing in each ear, and only a stud. No other piercings are allowed. Tattoos are not allowed they have to be covered up, shirts, bandages, large watch bands whatever it takes. From what I have heard some...
  13. Clinic Bag?

    Be careful with what bag you purchase. My school had a specific bag from a specific company, in a specific color that we had to get. I keep a clipboard, a make up pouch with pens, sharpies, highlighters, extra copies of clinical papers (if needed),...
  14. Christmas Break

    Our break officially started yesterday, finals were last week. We already have our reading list up for next quarter, along with a test the first day. So I guess Ill be reading books on body parts:yeah:
  15. Need Advice

    I vote for A. I personally know that it is difficult moving back in with your parents (I just did it) however you have to think of in the long run. It might stink for a few years but you won't have the stress of working and school. My parents driv...
  16. Test Reviews.... a poll

    If everyone has taken the test we have review right after that class. They put all the questions up on a stage (our class is in an auditorium) and you can walk up and look them over. You can not bring anything with you at all. We can also ask our ...
  17. The first few weeks we discussed professionalism, the handbook, plagerism, and the history of nursing. It was a ton of information that wasn't particularly interesting to me. I suggest taking a few days to figure out how to organize yourself. I pe...
  18. nursing program vs. prerequisite courses?

    I can only tell you that at my school the pre req's were the easy part. My nursing class is much harder then any of the pre req's and most of them combined. We had about 20 drop/get kicked out of nursing this quarter, that was never the case in the...
  19. Parents - what's your schedule?

    I'm not a parent but I do know what several do in my classes. One girl I know will have her babysitter for an extra hour and just stay and study. Also some have their kids take on more responsibility (age appropriate) they may have to make dinner, ...
  20. memorizing??

    I don't recommend memorizing everything. Lab values sure, however you need to understand concepts and other things so that you can apply them to different situations. She may be doing well now but it may come back to bite her in the a** when she ha...
  21. Going on to second semester with smaller class

    We started out this fall with 100, next quarter we will have 84. There are 5 of us who are close, and have relatively the same study styles. They all made it. It's sad to see people go but I knew it was going to be this way. Good luck!!!
  22. What did you do on orientation day?

    We have an orientation day before classes start, so our first day of class we were right off taking notes. During orientation they told us that we had to print off the handbook, gave us homework to do for the first day of class as well as talk about...
  23. Feel Like I Can't Stop

    Ha im with you, I feel like I need to be studying. However my instructors made it clear that over the break we should check our email and website for reading lists, and we also have our math test the first day back. So I am sure in the next few day...
  24. question about NURSE ANESTHETIST

    I'm sorry I don't know where I got seven, I meant one, my brain is fried with finals comming up. Here is a link to the program I was talking about. It even says what classes and how many credits you take.
  25. question about NURSE ANESTHETIST

    The program at my college requires a bsn and 7 years of ICU experience