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All Content by smartin13

  1. What do you use to carry your 500 books around in?

    I don't bring my books to class and neither do my friends. If I am taking them some place to study then I only bring the ones that I need, rarely do we need all of them. Some of my books are more referance others are used more one quarter and less ...
  2. When you are in NS do you do anything during the summer?

    We have a summer practicum its two weeks and 40 hours each week. Our class is split into two groups one at the beginning of the summer one at the end. We also take a midcurricular exam and anything that we don't score high enough on we have to do r...
  3. Why do a lot of nursing students hate med/surg?

    I like med surg, I just don't like the amount of paperwork that we have to do, and the amount of time it takes to do it. It leaves little time for other things like learning what we are actually going to be tested on.
  4. ADN Weekly Schedule - Nursing classes only

    So my schedule for just ADN classes is M 9-1230 T off W 1330-1530 H 0700-1200 F 0700-1200 that is just time spent in class/clinical. This doesn't include time getting info for my clinical (usually about 1 hour) doing prep work for clinical (us...
  5. Do you know your schools NCLEX pass rate?

    My school's pass rate for last year was 100% average is 98%. They pride themselves on this and enjoy telling us how much higher they are then other programs in the city. So if you get thru the program you are most likely going to make it, however o...
  6. Clinical Doc Abbreviations

    You do have to be careful when using them, I know some of the hospitals are not allowing the use of abbreviations at all around me. My books all have lists of JCAHO approved abbreviations.
  7. PPD frequency in healthcare/LTC?

    In our facility (level 1 trauma center/inner city hospital) and in our hospital group (3 other facilities) everyone must be tested yearly. They are not permitted to work until it is done. Acutally ours are due soon. They send a group of nurses fro...
  8. I get special priviledges in clinical !

    Way to go that is really exciting, you can always come to us and brag!!!
  9. Yes they can and do. In my ADN program we have to take a HESSI at the end of each quarters and at the end of our schooling. If we do not pass the final one they will not endorse us to take the NCLEX and we do not graduate. They do this so that the...
  10. Wearing scrubs to nursing school?

    Some people wear scrubs because they have to go to work or just came from work where it is required, some days I go straight from clinical to lecture and half of the class is wearing scrubs then, but that is only because we don't have time to change ...
  11. I vote for Chem, it was a pre req for me but since I took it in highschool I didn't have to take it in college. And as dalgal said you will need to know some of it for Anatomy in college.
  12. sorry it's so long, just had to let out some frustration.... this quarter we are at a nursing home in the skilled nursing area. i went into it bright eyed and ready to learn. the first day we were there you could hear the nurses telling the student...
  13. Hospital Sponsored RN programs--any left?

    I don't know of any that pay you to go there, however I do know someone who attends christ and they pay for it as long as you sign a contract, I'm not sure about the other place. If there is a school that will pay you to go there, and give you a job...
  14. Hospital Sponsored RN programs--any left?

    I know here in cincinnati there are two one at the christ hospital and one at good sam if you go onto hospital websites in your area you may find something. i hope this is what you were looking for. ...
  15. Do all schools do this??:(

    The nursing program I am in offers testing to see if you need these classes before you start, it is suppose to help in your classes once you get to them. I guess you can see it as a waste of time and money but if it means you get thru bio, anatomy, ...
  16. Going to the gym sounds like a great solution. I had my first migraine in my entire life this week while at clinicals, I thought I was having a stroke or some kind of massive bleed. The stress is tough plus regular life stuff it can get overwhelmin...
  17. New approaches of studying for nursing EXAMS

    As already suggested do NCLEX review questions, my friends and I switch around books so that we get tons of different questions. If there is anyone you study with have them quiz you and you can quiz them back (both will help you remember) some of my...
  18. Question about Nursing school

    No study guides or reviews for us. They will tell us that 40% will be on this topic 20% on this and the rest on anything else. Everything is fair game, weather they said it, we read it, or a guest speaker said it. I know it sounds intimidating but...
  19. Why do nursing stuents hate eachother??

    I'm so sorry that you have had a bad (horrible) experience. I promise not all are like this. While I can't say that I really like everyone in my class we all respect each other. I have several friends that I have made along the way and I believe t...
  20. Dating while in NS?

    My BF and I have been together for a little over 2 years. We were together before clinicals started, and he knew what my priorities were then. I do love him dearly but I only get to see him about once a week due to school/my work/his work. He unde...
  21. Your school's exam review policy

    We review our tests after class the day we take them, they put the answer key out on the stage (our class is in an auditorium) and you can walk up and look them over. You can not bring anything with you. If everyone has not taken the test the we do...
  22. Ways to motivate and reward students

    The instructors collect stuff during the quarter, books, pens, bags anything from facilities, confrences or anywhere they may come across them. Then they use those as prizes. Also above all things material I appreciate a job well done, weather its ...
  23. Anyone Ever Go Through This?

    I know its hard to come into nursing class when you have great grades and get something that before you would have been upset about. The one thing that I have learned is that these tests are completely different then any other type of test I have had...
  24. Ours is 1:8-10 depending on how many drop, last quarter my instructor always came to check on us atleast once a clinical. This quarter well different instructor and she is very hands off which is hard to get use to. Some of my friends go to differe...
  25. Where Do Nursing Students Work?

    I use to work at Friday's, had tons of fun and like everyone said made great money, the hours were flexable but when the economy went bad the tips went down. Now there is something to be said with having consistant steady money that doesn't depend o...