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About nurse_mo1986

nurse_mo1986 has 3 years experience.

To thine own self be true

Latest Activity

  1. Need encouragement. just discouraged today

    thanks all. Lunah, u have long been a source of inspiration to all excelsior students i think:) and I appreciate all u guys encouraging me. I know that someday I'll be able to place that RN behind my...
  2. Hey all- I just feel like I need a word of encouragement today. I feel like I've been working towards my RN forever, and i'm not there yet. I'm bogged down in the pages of micro, and then still have...
  3. Would you have reported this med error?

    and yet, I remember reporting a nurse one time for suspicion of diverting b/c I noticed this particular nurse chasing down the dr's in the unit telling them that their pt "needs demerol." It raised a...
  4. Passed Transitions tonight!

    Way to go tasha!!! lol. I was gonna do repro next, but I decided to do the unthinkable and get micro over with. This one just might kill me. It's just soo much info. But i keep telling myself that if...
  5. Transitions is so boooooring

    heya tasha: actually I didn't use the practice exam for this one. I always have but this test seemed so cut n dry that I didn't think I'd need to. All I used was a TCN study guide from ebay. It seemed...
  6. What have you done without a Dr. order?

    it also depends on where you work. I work in a smaller ruraal ICU in a smaller hospital and know all of our docs one on one. That means I know when they do vs. Don't wanna be called. Certain docs...
  7. Transitions is so boooooring

    So i just thought i'd come back to the thread and let u peeps know I took transitions this morn and passed. got a "B" on the test. It was actually a lil more diff than i anticipated...but thankfully...
  8. Transitions is so boooooring

    Yeah, I'm taking Transitions this friday and i'm seriously afraid I might fail it just because it's soooo boring that i'm having a terrible time studying it LOL. But i'm hoping I pass. I'd hate to...
  9. Passed A&P tonight!

    lol...yeah I stressed out over the A/P exam myself, got horribly low scores on the practice exams both times (like mid 40's) but when i finally steeled my nerves and took it, I passed with a "B" w/out...
  10. why not see if you cant get some type of protocols in place that allows for PRN IVP as needed? In my unit, a lot of our pts are titrated on gtt's but we also have PRN meds allowed for use in addition...
  11. Passed A&P tonight!

    I'm studyin transitions myself at the min. I test on it Friday 9/3...we'll see how it goes. It seems so cut and dry that it's boring at best lol. I'm trying not to take too much time on this one and...
  12. 1. do you love, like or hate your job? a mixture of both. most days like, other days it requires work to remember why i'm workin here lol 2. what field of nursing are you in? lpn, work in a outpt...
  13. LunahRN- Good luck tomorrow!

    Hey tasha, What day are you taking your transitions exam? I just recently took the A/P exam and am now scheduled to take transitions next fri(sept. 3rd). I'm kinda nervous on this one b/c it seems TOO...
  14. First CPR

    Sadly, you will find that in nursing you run into these types of situations frequently. I work in an ICU, and more times than I care to think about we've had to go thru the motions of a futile code...
  15. I'm in the midst of my excelsior education myself. However, I haven't had many ppl say negative things about the program. However, that may simply be because at my facility, there are several RN's who...