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All Content by CarVsTree

  1. Level one trauma center the best place to start?

    Oh, I get it. Try ED, sounds like you might like it. You might get bored in the NICU because it is such a limited population. I wanted NICU but found I really love trauma 'cause my patients are across the lifespan and every walk of life. I'm start...
  2. Level one trauma center the best place to start?

    Wow! NICU and ER are pretty different! You sound like I did when I graduated. I started in Trauma Med/Surg and this allowed me to see what I like/dislike. I LOVE trauma. I am heading to the Trauma-Neuro ICU and will have the same Critical Care Co...
  3. Calling for an RRT vs calling a code

    Great explanations by PP's. The RRT does NOT work very well in my facility. If I know the problem is respiratory, I will call the respiratory therapist for assistance even before I call the (1st year) resident, RRT or a code. Often times, they can h...
  4. Length of Preceptor & patient ratio

    On our unit it is 1-2 of my patient load. With the "orientation champions, the OC will even take all or part of the patient load.
  5. Non smoking hospital: What is this?!!!

    Our hospital went "smoke free" in January. It doesn't work anyway. Both the visitors and employees still smoke. Have NO idea if the patients are managing to smoke since I work on a locked unit.
  6. Length of Preceptor & patient ratio

    I've never worked rehab, but that sounds just horrible. Glad you found a better place in this world!
  7. Length of Preceptor & patient ratio

    I work on a transtional trauma unit with 4 low level CC beds & 28 med/surg beds. Preceptorship is 12 weeks or longer prn. Start out w/1 pt and have 6 by end. Last 2 weeks are spent on shift (usually nights) they' going to. The preceptor has only...
  8. Extended Orientation

    Everyone learns at a different rate. Just keep doing your best and you'll be off orientation when you're ready.
  9. UGH what do you think?!>?

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, haven't been on in a few days. Sounds like all you had was a temp to work with. Since doc was aware and didn't order anything on days, I wouldn't have gotten anything on nights unless a big change. but, its all ...
  10. 4th day as an RN on my own

    Sorry you had such a bad night. My only advice is NOT to do extra shifts as a brand new nurse. Especially, extra shifts that were already in progress when you arrived. You haven't fine tuned your time management skills yet so it is too hard to catc...
  11. UGH what do you think?!>?

    Why didn't you call the doc if she was febrile and tachy? What were her respirs, what was her sat? Why not dip urine which you don't need an order for? Was the doc aware of the pt's temp from the previous shift? I don't understand why you don't un...
  12. Incident Report?

    Actually lawyers may not look at incident reports at all. Unless you mention them in the chart. Then it becomes part of the medical record.
  13. boards need to regulate MA's

    Heck no! Why would the BON want to get involved? Should the BON also regulate PA's? They do a lot of stuff. MD's use MA's let MD's regulate them.
  14. Doctors Enter Their Own Orders??

    Our docs enter their own orders with about 95% compliance. A popup comes on my screen when new orders are entered. Also the AP's (unit clerk's) flag new orders in the kardex book. It is nice though when they also mention new orders to us. I love CA...
  15. ICU Nurses with OCD!!!

    I work trauma step down and will be moving to CC in the fall. I'll take a XFR from an "OCD" ICU nurse anytime. The lax ones make me shudder here's an example. Report from lousy ICU nurse (was a lousy tech on our floor previously) Confused/Restraine...
  16. Should I go to night shift?

    Great advice from Fergus. On most units, nights is not slower, just different. We have less staff and when someone from that staff is out, they are rarely replaced for the whole shift. 1:1's that pop up during the shift are staffed by the techs on ...
  17. Preceptor alienating PCT to handle??!

    I think it was absolutely appropriate! The only time I won't put a pt. on the bedpan if I am in the room is if I'm behind (a LOT behind) and the tech walks in to answer the light that I don't know is on. I'll ask very nicely if they would mind, 'ca...
  18. Preceptor alienating PCT to handle??!

    So she sabotages you by wasting oxygen in the corner while the techs run around. She sounds like she has great excuses for sitting on her a$$. Practice delegating by asking her to help when you need to turn a pt. "Can you help me turn so and so?" ...
  19. ALL Nurses should have to be a REAL patient

    You were not offensive at all. Your case is the exact reason why phenergan is no longer on formulary at my hospital. In fact, I know a nurse who brags that he never dilutes anything (you see he's a much better nurse than us mere mortals) including P...
  20. Advice Please!!!

    Yes, they could write you up, but YOU could contact BON & DOH and report unsafe conditions. It is your right and obligation to refuse an unsafe pt. load. Yes, you are working in an extremely hostile work environment. BTW, does the charge nurse h...
  21. Advice Please!!!

    You're hanging cardizem gtts with 7-8 patients!!??!! That is extremely unsafe. I would RUN not walk from this place. BTW, your co-workers sound like jacka**es. Next time you ask for help and they ignore you, quietly call the supervisor for assistan...
  22. Need Advice!!! Bad Situation!!!

    Bad idea! Don't lie. Be honest.
  23. So, you've been a nurse for about a month and you have 10 PATIENTS!!??!! That is way too many patients way too fast an orientation. Is there a better hospital in your area that offers a real orientation. My hospital has a 12 week med/surg orientati...
  24. med error panic

    That's not such a great idea eitther. Valium will precipitate when diluted with NS, well usually. I've seen it. If you look up valium it says NOT to dilute, just flush before and after. As a matter of fact, if pt. has IVF, I put them on hold, flu...
  25. What would you call "Practicing Medicine"

    Huh? I'm an RN and I... Pass foleys, draw labs, give meds, cut (o.k. I don't cut my patients), stick needles (but not chest tubes LOL) into my patients.