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All Content by SanFranSRNA

  1. Graduating in 4 weeks and have a big question!!

    My first new grad job was in Reno Nevada. The starting pay is about 29 dollars per hour. Good
  2. Anyone Interviewed with UCLA New Grad Residency

    I started at 23 as a new grad also....It's a pretty decent wages considering the state of the economy. I was able to pay all my bills and put some money aside into the saving
  3. California nurses--- Do you REALLY get to eat meals?

    Yup I second that. I'm currently a traveler from Nevada. At my current facility, the charge nurses will go around and ask if you have already taken your break if not he/she will cover for you during...
  4. Csc/cmc

    WOW!....Are you serious????????? That's
  5. Csc/cmc

    Cool...thanks you guys...Now I can't wait to update my resume with my newly earned
  6. Csc/cmc

    Hi everyone, I took the CMC today and I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jake RN, CCRN CSC
  7. CMC-is this enough?

    I just took and passed the CMC today. It was pretty detailed. I studied for two weeks on and off while at work. I work in a busy cardiac ICU/ cardiac surgery unit. I took the CSC exam last year...
  8. Opening a new heart program

    I'm currently involving in a Cardiac Surgery training program at my hospital. The qualifications are as follows: at least one year of ICU experience, 6 hours class in iABP, 6 hours hemodynamic class,...
  9. Csc/cmc

    I took the CSC test last year and I thought it was harder than the CCRN. I studied for a month and used Bojar as a study
  10. Northern Nevada

    I'm also an employee with Renown. So far... I LOVE
  11. What should I bring to Thailand?

    WOW how did you get in to that? I was born in Thailand but relocated to the US 20 years ago? I would like to go back and practice nursing for a few week as
  12. Is this a common trait in a charge nurse?

    Hello everyone! Here is my 2 cents to this charge nurse trait discussion. I worked in a busy intensive/surgical unit for about 2 years before becoming a charge nurse. Now that I'm doing a charge...
  13. please help with these ABG's

    How about giving this PT some Diamox to get rid of the base. Hopefully we can achieved the diuretic effect plus getting rid of excess
  14. Iabp...

    In our facility, we use Autocat2. It's great! Normally, when patient came back from OR or cath lab with balloon pump they will have two A-lines. One attaches with the pump itself and another a line...
  15. I graduated from there and I LOVE the program. Of course there are certain things I don't like about the program but over all I am extremely happy with my decision to go there. I was well prepare...
  16. Question about rhythms

    V fib Sinus brady Sinus tach A fib This question seems to be a bit unfair if no other information is provided. Bradycaria at what rate? Sinus tach at what rate? and A fib with RVR or controlled...
  17. Need Help With Balloon Pump!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmmmm I would not accept such assignment if I'm not comfortable with the equipment. IABP needs special training. I work in cardiovascular ICU and only RN who is balloon trained can take balloon pump...
  18. Excessive secretions No Gag Any Ideas senior nurses?????

    Hmmmmm I would really question Versed gtt at the rate of 40mg/hour. In CCU, we often use 4-6mg of versed IVP for cardioversion. With 4-6mg of versed, the person is often pretty sedated already. I...
  19. Anybody hear from L.A. County Program?

    I graduated from County and highly recommend the program. Great
  20. Hi guys and gals I'm about to graduate with ADN in December 2005. My wife and I are moving to Reno by the end of december. I was wondering if anyone of you guys are working at Washoe Medical center...
  21. I'm working at the same hospital but in a different unit. I have a total of 12 weeks orientation for CVICU and CCU. For the first two weeks, part of the day was on computer class called ECCO and the...
  22. Anyone working at Washoe Medical Center?

    Yes I ended up working up on the fourth floor CIC. I like it a lot. Can't really say that I LOVE it. I love my preceptors. I've learned a lot from them and will con't to learn a lot more from my...
  23. Dobutrex

    Dobutamine can also vasodilate thus may lower some
  24. The future of nursing salaries?

    What did nurses make back in the past few decades? I mean, when did it go from a pink-collor assistant job to the career it is now? What are you implying exactly? Nurses have a lot of responsibility...
  25. Do you hire new grads in you ICU?

    Here is another new grad. I graduated in december of 2005 and moved to another state. I have been working as a RN for four months now. ACLS, PALS and IABP certified. There are always going to be...