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All Content by RNKITTY04

  1. Shands jacksonville-Er

    Shands L&D is also nutso crazy. I learned more there in 6 months than in 6 years at other places. BUT: I used to have to go to the restroom for a few minutes just so I could sit down! Nonstop action. Nice unit, very up to date as far as surround...
  2. GN in Jacksonville, Florida!

    Kat, Pretty much all of the big hospitals here in Jax have a decent GN program. Baptist, St Vincents, StLukes/Mayo, OPMC, Shands. Just be sure of what you want b/c like the pp said, most of them require a commitment. (which is why, as a new grad I di...
  3. considering rehab - is 8:1 with a CNA good?

    This is a "free standing" hospital. We have 4 floors. 2nd floor is Brain Injury and Peds, 3rd floor is Spinal cord and Ortho and the 4th (were I work) is mostly CVA/debility. The hospital is well known in the southeast and is second only to the big r...
  4. Where I used to work, it was "suggested" that the night nurses "freshen Up" before the day shift came on. ie.... wash face and re-apply make-up.
  5. considering rehab - is 8:1 with a CNA good?

    Hi Cilky, I am in Jacksonville Fl. After reading my last post I didn't mean to come off so grouchy, my jobs not that bad, I guess Ive just been PMSing or something. Please forgive.
  6. I Need Major Guidance!!!

    Im sorry and maybe Im being ignorant but is having anal sex with a (possibly) infected person worse than "regular" sex? I always thought sex was sex and if a person has AIDS you have the same chance of contacting it whether it be vaginal or anal. So...
  7. considering rehab - is 8:1 with a CNA good?

    Since I orginally posted I moved to the 11p-7a shift and now my average is 10 patients, sometimes 11. I totally agree with other posters in that there is NO WAY I can acurately score my FIMs. Most of the time I feel like I am neglecting my patients. ...
  8. Shands jacksonville-Er

    I gotta tell you this ED is crazy crazy crazy. Never worked in that particular dept, although I worked at Shands L&D, but just having to go down there to pick up a patient used to make me nervous. Very large very busy. It has been featured on the...
  9. LPN's in Rehab

    Ditto what everyone else said but also our LPN's can't take verbal orders.
  10. Weekend programs

    I know for a fact that the agency nurses here in Jacksonville Fl (where the superbowl was hosted from this past year) make $35-40.00 an hour. I know b/c I just spoke to an agency that offered me that amount. Not so sure about the schools but the hous...
  11. Does this seem right?

    I was "floated" to the spinal cord injury floor last weekend. I had 11 patients with 5 of them being total quads, 3 on bladder scans and caths and and the other 3 were just plain dementia. I have 4 months experience as a RN and oh I forgot to mention...
  12. For those who took KAPLAN and passed NLEX..

    Ditto what Pennylane said. I thought the test was very hard but I knew I passed it when it shut off at 75. I left the testing site knowing I was an RN, and this comes from someone who is NOT very self-confident. Kaplan to me was worth every penny. Go...
  13. How did you know?

    I remember as a kid around 8 or 9, I was always wrapping my teddy bears in bandages and "giving shots" to Mr and Mrs Bear. In the summer time when my older sister came home from college I was her shrink and actually made a little booth like Lucy in C...
  14. Help at a crossroad??

    Boy it sure is nice to hear from people that don't feel like a bright light came down from the sky and said "thou shall be a nurse" I also question myself daily but am too far in it now to change. Some days I like being a nurse, somedays I don't. T...
  15. Nurses and smoking......

  16. Computer Charting -- Do you like it or hate it?

    Love it! I'm new so I never did paper charting anyway. I also like to to be able to see what last person charted and compare. We have plenty of computers I've never been thrown off or had it lock up.
  17. Saving your back in Rehab

    Use the hoyers as much as possible, I know they are a pain but it's better than ruining your back. Also NEVER try and be superwoman(or man) GET HELP. Believe me I learned this the hard way.
  18. Top Hospitals in the U.S. in clinical quality

    Mayo in Scottsdale is on the list. But agreee with some of the PP's The Florida hospital's that I know that made the list are questionable at best.(Flagler?) hahahhha Sorry
  19. Has anyone worked as a surgical asst for a dentist?

    I have a friend that used to work for an oral surgeon. The money was good and the hours were great. She ended up leaving b/c the Doc was a total prima donna who apparently had hissy fits daily but if not for that it was a good job. Good Luck
  20. RN's scrubbing in on c/s???

    No.. I was referrring to SKILL, not responsibility. When the OB nicks a bladder it takes some SKILL to be able to retract and throw the correct suture in the correct bleeding area. It takes SKILL to be able to assist, hand instruments, suction and s...
  21. RN's scrubbing in on c/s???

    Shodobe, I gotta say that your post was kinda hurtful. I don't agree with "once you have done 1 you can do them all" Have you ever scrubbed a "true stat" c/s where the knife is applied to the skin with no prep, no drape, no gown, mask ,anesthesia?...
  22. RN's scrubbing in on c/s???

    Shodobe, I gotta say that your post was kinda hurtful. I don't agree with "once you have done 1 you can do them all" Have you ever scrubbed a "true stat" c/s where the knife is applied to the skin with no prep, no drape, no gown, mask ,anesthesia?...
  23. Florida Roll Call ......

    I am a recent graduate from St Johns River Community College in Orange Park Fl I passed NCLEX in October 04. I am currently working at Brooks Rehab on the Baylor shift. My long term goals are to become a travel nurse when I get more experience. Its n...
  24. Math Braniac Or No?

    If you Google "Nursing Math" I think you will find exactly what you need. Good luck to you. "I feel your pain"
  25. What to do about tech refusing to get VS?

    Um.... just for the record I have seen both sides as I was a tech for a long time before I became a nurse and not to piss anyone off BUT I am constantly on the go as a nurse, as a tech: Not so much. I had a tech Saturday night who sat at the nurses d...